Artificial Intelligence

Does Wu-Yi Tea Really Work? Information on This Controversial Product

Wu-Yi Tea has quickly become a very popular option for people looking to lose weight naturally. But does Wu-Yi Tea actually work? That question is still very much up for debate, and the various companies marketing the product have come under fire for poor business practices. But let's start with the product itself.

Wu-Yi green tea is a version of oolong tea, a green tea containing polyphenol. This substance increases metabolism and energy levels, and thus it's expected that it will also produce significant weight loss. Polyphenol is supposed to activate your fat burning enzymes and promote rapid weight loss.

Unfortunately for users of the tea, actual feedback on the product is hard to come by. Most of the results on the internet focus on billing problems relating to the suppliers of the tea, rather than the effectiveness of the tea itself.

Based on the ingredients present in Wu-Yi, the product should promote metabolism and increased energy. The problem is that nothing suggests that Wu-Yi is more effective than other, non-branded versions of oolong tea. There are also various fruit juices that produce a similar effect.

The appeal of Wu-Yi is easy to see, but whether it really works will depend mainly on your diet and exercise. If you make use of your new energy to be more active, and focus on improving your diet, the tea can be beneficial. But it's not a miracle, and consumers would be wise to do their research, and seek out alternative products that achieve similar effects.

To read customer feedback and opinions on weight loss products and supplements from all over the Internet, visit Actual Consumers - Weight Loss and Health Product Reviews.

America imports about 70 percent of its oil, costing over $700 billion dollars a year. This last summer, Al Gore challenged America to "commit to producing 100 percent of our electricity from renewable energy and truly clean carbon-free sources within 10 years." We know that the energy crisis will not solve itself; therefore, we must do what we can to reach this goal and free America from its dependency.

This year, the Santa Monica AltCar Expo featured nearly one hundred energy efficient vehicles as well as demonstrated new cleaner technologies. Attendees were able to ride and drive many of the vehicles on display, allowing them to see and feel the difference. For those of you who missed out, the Expo will also be held at the Palmers Event Center in Austin, Texas October 17 and 18.

Pedal Your Energy Savings
A great way to protect the environment while keeping mobile is to ride a bike instead of driving. One of the vehicles on display at the Expo was trioBike, a bicycle that also doubles as a stroller developed and tested with cooperation from the Danish National Consumer Agency. It is guaranteed to be one of the safest carrierbikes available. It is lightweight, impact resistant, fire and weather proof, and easy to maneuver. The material used is a sandwich construction of UV stabile and vacuum formed ABS. It is 40 times stronger than a bike helmet and can hold up to 175lbs, or two children between the ages of zero and nine years old.

The stroller is equipped with comfortable seats, a sun shade and two five-point safety belts. It also connects to the bike with two quick releases, taking about a minute to switch the brakes and detach or reattach. The vehicle has its own unique patented braking system designed for ease of use when braking and assembling. The trioBike is a perfect way to run local errands while taking the kids out and getting exercise. You could also detach the stroller and take the kids to the store and use it to hold groceries or just use the bike for ride.

The New Volt Takes You Farther
General Motors celebrated its 100th birthday this month with a new Extended-Range Electric Vehicle (E-REV), the Chevrolet Volt also displayed at the Santa Monica AltCar Expo. Aerodynamics was one of the key motivations for the design of the Volt, especially since it plays a big role in driving range.

The 16-kWh lithium-ion battery provides electricity for trips up to 40 miles. The battery works with a gasoline/E85-powered engine generator that sustains charge. When the battery is depleted, it can extend the car's range for hundreds of miles so consumers do not have to worry about running out of. Because of its charging technology, the Volt can be charged in less than three hours on a 240v outlet. Moreover, GM estimates that the unique system only costs two cents per mile while under gasoline- and emissions-free battery power. The Volt is scheduled for production at the end of 2010.

Biodegradable Bikes
One of the most impressive motorcycles at the Expo was Zero Motorcycles' off-road X Electric Motorcycle. The biggest perk is that it is completely biodegradable and landfill safe because of its salt-based construction. That means it uses no oil, mercury or lead! The Zero X also emits no fumes or smells, meaning that it is safe for owners to bring the light-weight bike (145 lbs) into their apartments to charge. This bike is the new wave of off-road vehicles. It is easy to handle and not noisy, which intimidates many female riders. The bike's lithium-ion battery charges in one to two hours and holds for up to 40 miles or two hours of ride time. It also can submerge in water, handle jumps and can reach 60 miles per hour in four seconds. The Zero X is available for purchase and can be legalized for the bike lane. The street legal electric motorcycle, the Zero S, will be available for purchase in January 2009.

A Second Chance
Over the last three years, the Santa Monica AltCar has been the hub for alternative energy vehicles in the United States. This year the Expo displayed over one hundred alternative vehicles for attendees to test drive as well as talk with representatives for each vehicle. The wide array of vehicles also included custom made electric cars using both lithium-ion and nickel batteries, hydrogen powered and custom designed air powered vehicles and new technologies for public transportation. Because of the AltCar Expo's success, this year it will also be held at the Palmers Event Center in Austin, Texas October 17 and 18 from 10 am to 5 pm. The Austin Energy AltCar Expo and Conference will include many of the vehicles exhibited in the Santa Monica Expo as well as a variety of speakers and panel discussions.

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Keynote Speaker - Determining A Speaker's Worth

There are many factors that come into play when it comes to determining a speakers worth in terms of the fees they charge to speak.

1. Who they are - do they have name recognition?

a. Do they have name recognition because they are an expert on a certain topic?

b. Do they have name recognition in a certain field or industry?

c. Do they have public name recognition or corporate name recognition?

2. How unique are they in terms of what they speak about?

Are they considered to be the number one expert on this topic or in this field?

3. How much in demand are they?

4. What kind of events they have spoken at before?

What size audiences and in what kind of venues?

5. Are they being asked for by name?

6. Evaluations from past speaking engagements - how are the evaluations from attendees coming back?

7. Client testimonials - are clients sending testimonials following speaking engagements and is the speaker being booked again by the hosting company or attendees?

8. Topics - are the speakers topics more general in nature?

a. Are the speakers topics more specific and well framed?b. Is the speaker using the platform as a marketing opportunity (to market themselves and their products)? c. Are they using the platform to deliver a presentation that is thought provoking and provides take away value?

9. Credentials can play a big part in what people are able to get for speaking.

10. The length of time involved how long will they be required to be on the platform? Will they be asked to attend any other functions (dinners, meet and greet etc)?

11. Location where is the meeting being held and how far does the speaker have to travel to get there.

12. Does the speaker have a book on the New York Times best- seller list?

a. Has the speaker had much media coverage? b. Have articles been written about them? c. Have they been interviewed for publications? d. Have they been quoted as the authority on a certain topic?

There is no simple answer to what fee a speaker can command or how that fee is determined. Generally the higher profile they have and the more in demand they become the higher their fee will be.

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It doesn't matter where you live in California, whether it is in farming or agricultural areas such as the Coachella Valley, or cities such as San Diego, CA, Carlsbad, Oceanside, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Orange County, Anaheim, Irvine, Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, Yorba Linda, Fullerton, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside, San Bernardino, Temecula, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Victorville, Santa Barbara, Ventura, La Jolla, Del Mar, San Marcos, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Pacific Beach, El Cajon, Chula Vista, or Escondido, you will be pleased to see a change at the grocery store when you buy food and drink, or agricultural products.

The change has to do with the law. No, California agricultural lawyers won't be in the produce aisle. And California food and drink or regulatory attorneys won't be lurking near the frozen foods. California personal injury attorneys won't be looking for slip and fall accident victims. But the change will please customers nonetheless.

Until now, most consumers had no idea from which country the food they were eating came from. With the new COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) law taking effect after September 30, 2008, all that will change, with a few exceptions and a few quirks.

After years of lobbying for delays by grocery lobbying groups who argued the law would be too costly to implement, and who lobbied for delays, COOL has at last taken effect.

Now when you buy that apple, pick up a package of most meats, or bag a head of lettuce, you will be able to glean from either a label, sticker or notice of some kind what country it came from. Unfortunately, as of yet, the law does not extend to dairy products and with the milk scare from China, one can hope that calls for it to be expanded to include these products will be heeded. The law also does not apply to organ meats such as heart, liver or kidney but how many households see those meats on the dinner table?

The law also provides exceptions for processed foods such as bacon or everyone's favorite, Spam, foods that are mixed together such as peas and carrots, but it's likely to help consumers feel much safer in being able to avoid food from certain countries, especially during food poisoning outbreaks, and feel better able to buy American if they want to.

The law was established in the 2002 Farm Bill, but was successfully delayed by lobbying groups until now. Concern about unsafe imports from China and elsewhere finally overcame food industry efforts to delay it. It was amended in the 2008 Farm Bill to include more foods. Retailers have six months to get to know the regulations and come into compliance (so there's a grace period here). Then the government is supposed to announce a final set of regulations incorporating seafood and shell fish regulations already in effect.

The law makes one think that lobbying efforts may be the reason for some of the strange distinctions in COOL. For instance macadamia nuts are included, but not walnuts. Did the walnuts have a better lobbyist than the macadamia nut lobbyist, or was the macadamia state senator absent when the Farm Bill was passed?

There are also exceptions in COOL for butchers, fish markets, restaurants, restaurants in hotels, school cafeterias, and small retailers. Additionally if spices, sauce or breading has been added, no labeling is required. Though not exactly food, the law also does not apply to pharmaceuticals, though there are calls to extend the law to them. Produce mixed in displays may simply be labeled as being "from two or more countries of origin."

Consumers are likely going to be surprised when they see how much of their food is imported. "I've been eating what?" and "This comes from where?" will likely be heard by check out clerks as consumers stand in line and look over the new labels.

COOL has long been a goal of U.S. farmers and ranchers who believe that identifying foreign food imports may encourage shoppers and manufacturers to buy more U.S. foods. Meat packers, on the other side of the barbed wire, opposed COOL citing the costs it will involve in its implementation.

But as this country's economic crisis grows, shoppers may be more and more inclined to buy American not just for safety but to help other Americans. Who nicer to help than American farmers?

Lawmakers and consumer groups are angry that the USDA seems to be attempting to evade congressional intent by allowing steaks and other meat cuts to be labeled with multiple country of origin labels. Congress only intended that exception for ground beef or for animals raised in more than one country. It has been said that there is a chasm of difference between the statutory language that was passed by Congress and the rule allowing multiple of country origin labels drafted by the USDA.

It has been suggested by some that it was meat packers who didn't want the obligation to sort out cattle from Canada and Mexico, who are the reason why at least to start, beef may be labeled with just a North American country of origin label, as opposed to a U.S. country of origin label. Sadly, with this country's lack of geographical knowledge (just watch Jay Leno when he asks people on the street where Canada is), many people will assume that "North American" means that the beef couldn't possibly have come from outside the U.S., much less Mexico.

Consumer advocacy groups hope that the USDA will make rule changes as it receives more feedback. Thirty-one Senators, including Barack Obama have already written the Agriculture Secretary calling for more restrictive meat labeling rules. U.S. Cattlemen have also asked the USDA to address the loophole for beef and see that the statute is faithfully implemented.

There are other discrepancies with how the law will be applied. Fish caught off the coast of Alaska by a Chinese or Japanese owned ship may be labeled as a product of China or Japan. Beef raised in another country that spends 30 days in a feed lot in the U.S. can be labeled as coming from the U.S.

Retailers are given discretion how they label the food. Meat counters, for instance, may simply list all the countries where the meat is produced, or they can label each cut. Hamburger will still likely give the consumer pause as meat that is ground up may come from numerous countries.

Since all chicken and goat consumed in the U.S. comes from the U.S., the chicken and goat industries asked to be included in the law.

Once compliance goes into effect, businesses may be fined $1,000 per violation. The law is expected to cost at least $2 billion to implement.

Sebastian Gibson graduated cum laude at UCLA in 1972 and received two law degrees in the U.S. and the U.K., graduating with an LL.B. magna cum laude from University College, Cardiff in Wales and a J.D. from the University of San Diego School of Law in Southern California.

The Sebastian Gibson Law Firm serves all of San Diego, Orange County, Palm Springs and Palm Desert, the Coastal Cities from La Jolla and Del Mar to Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Irvine, Santa Ana and Irvine and up to Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo. We also serve the Inland Empire cities of Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Temecula, Riverside and San Bernardino and all the cities in the Coachella Valley

If you have an agricultural, or food and wine legal matter of any kinkd, we invite you to visit our website by clicking on one of these two links. We have the knowledge and resources to represent you as your California Agricultural Attorney and Coachella Valley Agriculture Lawyer in the Coachella Valley, Los Angeles, the Central Coast, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, San Diego, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Long Beach, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Riverside, Rancho Mirage, Indian Wells, Chula Vista, Irvine, San Bernardino, Huntington Beach, Fontana, Moreno Valley, Oceanside, Garden Grove, Palmdale, Corona, Escondido, Orange, Fullerton, Costa Mesa, Victorville, Carlsbad, Temecula, Murrieta, Mission Viejo, El Cajon, Vista, Westminster, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Venice, Hollywood, Hesperia, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach, Dana Point, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Buena Park, Indio, Coachella, Newport Coast and Crystal Cove.

There are many reasons why you will lose weight if you drink green tea. Some of these benefits include faster digestion, caffeine, EGCG, building momentum, relieving stress, and creating a cycle of health.

Green tea is mostly water and getting extra water in your system will aid digestion. You should be drinking green tea 5-6 times a day.

Caffeine and the process of Thermogenesis from EGCG in green tea increase the metabolism. Studies have confirmed drinking 5-6 cups of green tea a day will burn an extra 80 calories a day or 8 pounds a year! That may not sound like a lot, but you can quickly see how in combining drinking green tea with eating healthy and exercising can really jump start your metabolism.

Since green tea increases the amount of calories you burn you will have energy for doing more throughout your day. Building up this momentum is crucial to losing weight in the long term.

Getting mental clarity from green tea relieves stress. Relieving stress reduces stress hormones that cause belly fat.

You will lose weight because of the antioxidants. Antioxidants eliminate toxins from your body like exercise does. The less toxins you have in your mind and the less stressed you feel the more likely you are to exercise, move around, and eat better.

Being healthy and losing weight is a cycle. If you want to lose weight start with the mental clarity it provides, it's added stress reduction, eat better foods, and finally integrate exercise. Building your health in that order will make you successful and promote long term weight loss. All of this causes the mind to have more confidence, happiness, and self esteem. It is safe to say that green tea is the starting point to weight loss.

You have learned some of the benefits of green tea including faster digestion, caffeine, EGCG, building momentum, relieving stress, and creating a cycle of health. Green tea is a necessary component of a good weight loss program and is a great starting point to keeping the weight off long term.

Drinking green tea is just one of the many components to promoting weight loss and metabolism. Check out my free e-book:

Read My Free e-book "Jump Starting Your Metabolism" Click Here

Historical Vienna and Its Attractions

First thing we are heading to is St. Stephen's Cathedral located in the city centre. The monument is the main landmark not only for Vienna, but also for the whole country, like the Parisian Eiffel Tower. Initially it was just a roman-style parish church, built in 1137. Reconstruction after the fire in 1945 took 21 years and now it is a true work of art. Its northern tower is still being restored, but what it is famous for is one of the largest bells in the world, which weighs 21 tons. The bell tolls only on special occasions and if you are lucky enough, you can hear the sound of it during your visit.

Pestsule, or the Plague Column, is a Baroque-style monument, the gift of the Emperor Leopold I to mark the end of the terrible plague of 1679. The top of the column is adorned with the sculpture of the Holy Trinity and the nine sculpted angel. The southern side of the monument represents the Emperor pray. The monument stands on the Graben street in the inner city of Vienna. Initially this was just a ditch in front of the Roman fort, which was later filled up with soil and turned into a market place. Nowadays there are several interesting monuments found on the street, including the Palais Bartolotti-Partenfeld and the house where in 1784 Mozart lived. Unusual as it might seem, the other streets attraction are its lavatories made of walnut and Venetian glass.

On of the most beautiful buildings of the Michaeler Platz is the Michaelerkirche, or St. Michaels Church. This is a mixture of several styles from Roman to Classicism. Also dont miss the Steiner House by Adolf Loos. In past the house was often visited by famous critics, and nowadays it is one of the most important modern buildings in Vienna. There is another attraction standing opposite the house Hofburg Palace, built around 600 years ago.

Hofburg is a huge complex which consists of 18 buildings and 19 yards. Note that for 600 years its wasnt reconstructed or enlarged. The main section of the palace, as well as its ditch, bridge and its chapel, was erected in 1275. The rest of the buildings appeared later. Maria Theresa used to live in one of the palaces sections, where now one will find the offices of the Austrian President. Hofburg is famous for the fact that it was here that Hitler announced that Austria would be joined with the Nazi Germany. Modern Emperors palace accommodates the National Library, The Music House and so on. In 1713 king Carl VI decided to build a huge church in Vienna since the city faced plague again. Even though the plague finished one year later, the king ordered to finish the construction of this Baroque-style church.

Another attraction is the Musikverein famous for the excellent acoustics of its Goldener Saal (Golden Hall). The sound echoes for two seconds only, even if there are 2000 people in the hall.

Belvedere Palace used to be the summer residence for prince Eugen von Savoyen. The palace consists of two parts: the upper part (for official ceremonies) and the lower part for more common uses. Between them you will find an astonishing park, an orange grove and a menagerie. The park is adorned with beautiful green hedge, fountains, cascades and sculptures and is a real pleasure to walk around.

You can go to Vienna hotels reservation to book a room in Vienna hotel. - online hotel reservation.

Christian Music Lyrics

The Internet is the greatest resource for Christian music lyrics. Christian music lovers often search the Internet to find their favorite Christian music lyrics. All you need to do is search by artist, title or album, and the site will offer you the lyrics of the song. The sites offering Christian music lyrics usually have a huge database. For Christian music fans, those sites are the ultimate destination for Christian music lyrics. These Christian music sites are equipped to fulfill all your lyric needs.

Among thousands of Christian music lyrics, you will definitely find your favorite one. Along with offering Christian music lyrics, they also offer the latest news on Christian music. They talk about the latest releases. Those who want to find their favorite Christian songs can search various sites. They may end up learning new Christian songs. The sites always add new songs and lyrics to their databases. You should know the lyrics of the songs so that you dont lose track of the tune. You need to learn the lyrics of a special hymn to avoid any embarrassing situation at church. You will feel more confident if you know the lyrics.

Renowned musicians have written Christian music lyrics. So, adequate knowledge of Christian music lyrics will definitely help people enjoy the music. Christian music lyrics are quite easy to learn. You can check out leading Christian music sites to get the lyrics and start practicing. New Christian music lyrics are always coming up. If you want to play a more active role in church, start learning Christian music lyrics now!

Christian Music provides detailed information on Christian Music, Christian Music Lyrics, Download Christian Music, Christian Sheet Music and more. Christian Music is affiliated with Southern Gospel Music.

Review of Sacraments

As a Catholic you will often hear that the Church is a sacramental church. And as a cradle Catholic I had each sacraments bestowed on me as I grew. Now being taught by nuns, I am not sure if it got truncated view or what but I have had to do a lot of learning about each sacrament. One thing I did learn is this, all seven sacraments call be traced to Jesus himself. I found that to be an awesome piece of information.

Each of these sacraments have special rites and rituals associated with them and we will be giving a brief overview of each of the sacraments.

A Christian and in turn a Catholic Baptism must be Trinitarian in form. So what does that mean. What it means is the first sacrament, Baptism must be done In the name of the Father, In the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is the sacrament of water and starts with God and the first person of the Trinity. er. Jesus himself was baptized by John the Baptist and was submerged into the Jordan River. Jesus had a Trinitarian Baptism. The symbolism of the water is used to wash away original sin, sin that was committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This sacrament is the basic tenant of all Christian religious with the exclusion of a few. The baptisms that are not recognized are not Trinitarian in form. Among unrecognized baptism are Mormon, Unitarian, and Jehovah's Witness.

The second Sacrament is Reconciliation. You may also hear it referred to as penance. It is probably the most over looked sacrament. And maybe the most ridiculed. I often here from converts that it was one of he hardest concepts for them to 'get'. In recent years this sacraments has made a huge come back thanks the urging of Pope John Paul II. The Pope relegated in recent years from when Vatican II it advocated the use of the sacrament for mortal sin. The Church does ask you go once a year.

The Third Sacrament is Eucharist or Communion. This sacrament was handed to us by Jesus during the last supper. There is much that is and can be written on this particular sacrament but the root is the real present of Christ in the Eucharist. It is the one doctoral teaching of the Catholic Church that sets it apart all other churches. Jesus is present at each and every mass. Its a profound thought

The Fourth Sacrament is that of the Holy Spirit, or Confirmation. Baptism by fire. This gives each Candidate the opportunity to reconfirm his Baptismal vows and speak for himself. Where many view this as a finalization, the reality is it is actually the start of the persons life in the church.

The Fifth Sacrament is Matrimony or Marriage and of course his one is pretty self explanatory.

The Sixth Sacrament is Holy Orders. This is the sacrament that people entering religious life participate in.

The Seventh and final Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament has evolved some again with the help of Pope John Paul II. He opened this sacrament up and redefined it a bit so that sick could participate in this and not one that was dying, which is what the previous understanding of it was. If you are having surgery, or are ill, suffering with cancer and alike you are very welcome to be anointed.

Beth Guide is the webmaster for Rosary Religious Inspirational Gifts

Christian Education - 12 Keys of Effective Teaching

While there are many forms of teaching in the Christian education arena, there are a few basic tenets that are applicable across the board. We will focus on these tenets as they apply to "formal" teaching (classroom, discussion, lecture, discipling relationships), but they are just as important in informal settings.

1. Set goals. This is probably the biggest omission for teachers. We know and want to communicate a lot of "stuff," but we haven't clearly defined our goal and purpose. Without a goal and purpose, our teaching wanders and we won't see the fulfillment the Lord intends in our ministries.

It may be helpful to choose a verse or passage to be a guide for your teaching. Then, as you prepare a lesson or a series of lessons, ask yourself questions to see if you are meeting your goals. For example, if we were looking at Ephesians 4:11-16, we might ask ourselves:

  • How am I equipping people to serve through this lesson?

  • How am I building up the body of Christ?

  • How am I succeeding as an example of Christ-like character? How am I failing?

  • What doctrines am I teaching on? How can I better communicate them?

  • What practical application will my hearers draw from my lesson?

  • What sin or error am I confronting?

  • What spiritual disciplines am I promoting? Am I demonstrating them in my own life?

  • How am I encouraging intimacy with God?

  • How am I exhorting people to love?

  • Is Christ the beginning, ending, and focus of my teaching?

Specific lessons and series of lessons will, of course, have additional specific goals particular to the topic at hand. These goals should be clearly delineated before teaching begins, and regular evaluations should take place to be certain that goals are being achieved.

2. Put forth effort. Give your preparation - and your delivery - the best of yourself. Don't expect fulfillment in ministry if you consistently "cobble something together" at the last minute, are rushing around the house to get out on time, and are tired when it's time to teach. You and your hearers will get the most out of your teaching if you put forth solid, concentrated effort into preparation time, and are rested and enthusiastic when it's time to speak.

3. Be orderly. Build a lesson as you would build a house. Lay a foundation and develop your points thoroughly and completely to a conclusion. You want your hearers to walk away with several things: facts, understanding, and application.

4. Avoid tangents. Whether they come from you or from one of your hearers, nip tangents in the bud (unless there is a distinct reason and the Spirit's leading to follow them and expand on them). Lessons should be tight, allowing no room for wandering or drifting. You will not accomplish your goals unless you stay focused.

5. Combine orthodoxy and orthopraxy. Each lesson should contain both right teaching (orthodoxy) and instruction on right practice (orthopraxy). Doctrine in a vacuum will not be remembered or be seen as applicable. Guidance on right practice will not become ingrained unless the reasons and doctrines behind it are understood. Instruction on the Word of God and the walk of God should go hand-in-hand whenever we teach.

6. Make it practical. Every lesson should be a "rubber-meets-the-road" lesson. If it's not practical, it won't be remembered. If it doesn't apply to life today, to my life today, then it's a waste of my time. Draw lessons from life today, and show how to apply lessons to life today.

7. Be dynamic. Whatever your teaching style, make it dynamic. Dynamic comes from the Greek word "dunamis," or power. Whether you lecture or lead discussions, whether you enjoy acting your lessons in front of a crowd or prefer quiet times in a circle, your teaching style should be power-filled through the Spirit. Be creative. Be compelling. Be challenging. Be excited. Be intense. However you speak, grab your hearers and hold them - only then will they hear what you're saying.

8. Encourage interaction. In almost all cases, people will learn more from a class that they participate in. Ask questions. Encourage responses and discussion. Be sure people are understanding what you're saying. Welcome input. Even a class that is predominantly lecture has room for learner participation. Frequently a question and answer time will serve to bring home the doctrines and lessons taught.

9. Repeat and review. You only remember a fraction of what you hear - so be sure your listeners hear what's most important many times. Review the key points of past lessons. Review points made earlier in a given lesson. Repeat truth until it becomes ingrained in your hearers.

10. Handouts and homework. Don't be afraid to ask your listeners to put forth effort on their own part. Give handouts with fill-ins and room for notes at each class - it encourages people to write down key points, therefore aiding the learning process (the more senses you engage in learning, the better you will remember). Give homework. Ask people to read and think and prepare for the next class, or to follow up on the one just given. Remind your hearers that Christian education does not happen for one hour on a Sunday - it must be a part of daily life.

11. Expect excellence. People will rise to your expectations of them. Never patronize or act condescendingly toward people. Don't give shallow or fluff-filled lessons. Dig deep into the truth and your listeners will fall in love with the truth, too.

12. Pray. Pray for yourself and your hearers. Pray for your preparation time, your sanctification, and your delivery. Pray for their attentiveness, understanding, and commitment to walk with the Lord. Pray for discernment, insight, and wisdom. Your ministry will only succeed if it is bathed in and founded on prayer.

2008 Paula Marolewski

You have my permission to reprint and distribute this article as long as it is distributed in its entirety, including all links and copyright information. This article is not to be sold or included with anything that is sold.

Paula J. Marolewski provides challenging and interactive adult Bible studies for individuals, Bible studies, small groups, and adult Sunday School classes at Sink Your Roots ( The above article is an excerpt from Called to Teach.

Independent commentator Charles Nevin states: "What Europe needs is an inspiring figurehead" and notes how Boris Johnson (journalist, columnist and Member of Parliament for Henley on Thames) in The Dream of Rome contrasts Rome's successful methods of holding their empire together with current EU attempts to build cohesion.

Johnson concludes that Europe is missing the mark: they lack awesome ideas and transcendent symbols to rally round, something to claim and embrace as uniquely European. Or, Charles Nevin suggests, someone. "And, when you're looking for an inspiring figurehead, it's easy to see the advantages of having an emperor who is also a god possessed of the power to end your life with the downward flick of a thumb and a high-pitched giggle."

Both men are in for a shock, as well as the rest of the world. Why? Because the Bible announces that the present European Union will morph into the final revival of the Roman Empire! Not only will the increasingly fascist EU turn into the beast that was and is imminent Rome, but such a revived Roman Empire will be ruled by a wannabe divine emperor!

What could bring all this together? Especially when the prophet Daniel acknowledges that the Europeans are clearly of different and often divisive mettle, lacking the right chemistry to maintain a long-lasting relationship or union:

Daniel 2:41-43

41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

Daniel was also given amazing insight, extraterrrestial knowledge, divine inspiration, to reveal that the European Union will ultimately consist of the top ten nations of Europe, a core group, a nucleus the other member states will circle like a crown of stars around the sun.

Would "miracles" do the trick? Aren't we warned to watch for a pagan sorcerer-pope to start performing many supernatural deeds, counterfeit miracles, to mislead the masses and get them eating out of his hand to support the Vatican's elect to "defend" Europe and "Western Christian Civilization" and murder any who oppose them? Won't this new Antiochus Epiphanes ("god-in-the-flesh") command his shock troops to have zero tolerance for any who expose him as a man and demand "off with their heads"? Will the Bavarian pope soon sweep Europe off their feet?

Will Europe soon rally around the cross to defeat the crescent? Will the EU cross soon drive a stake into the heart of the Middle East, responding to their jihad with a new crusade? Will Islam provide the basis for uniting Europe, circling their wagons, against the threat of Muslim nuclear terrorism? Didn't Constantine conquer in the sign of the cross? Will Europe wield the sign of the cross to drive away the evil of Islam?

Is a world dictator about to appear? Would such a victorious individual, thrust into office by force of circumstances and papal promotion, appear as Europe's savior? However, once secure in office, will the mask come off and the BEAST appear?

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out Beyond Babylon.

When We Were Super Heroes (Part I)

What do you do when you accomplish the goals that you set for yourself years ago? House... check. Kids... check. Head above water in bank account...check. Sure, most of the areas have room for improvement; but what doesn't? The fact is, you have gone through various stages of life in a natural way and have managed to satisfactorily complete each, so - now what?


Somewhere in our adult lives we find that we do not have that same sort of mentality that we did when we were younger. You remember the time when you believed you could do almost anything. From flying, to creating magic - there were no limits to what you thought you had the ability to accomplish. Of course this was pre-disappointment... pre-heartbreak... pre-failure... pre-setback. It's a little more difficult these days to have the same hopes and dreams when you feel that you may possibly be let down. The fact is, you are impacted by what you have experienced. Welcome to the post-disappointment stage in life, which brings us to our first new goal.


You must find the ability to reconnect with a part of your life where you did not mind giving it all you had; because it was prior to the time that you started believing you could fail. This is the state of mind from which you will accomplish your greatest goals. You may notice that there are several things you think about doing, but you stop yourself. Why? Because it may not work, you say. What is the use in putting forth the time, energy and effort in something that may not even give you the results you want? Valid question. But what is even more valid is that no one has ever accomplished anything without first recognizing the possibility of failure. They work hard to overcome those odds in order to attain what they desire. As an adult, its okay to acknowledge the possibilities but in order to overcome any paralyzing fear that keeps you from stepping outside of your comfort zone; you will find it helpful to embrace that youthful part of yourself and your mind that imagines you still have the power to accomplish what your heart desires.


I'm too old. I'm too fat. I can't, the kids need me too much. I don't have enough money. I work long hours. I don't know anyone that can help me. I didn't get a degree in that. Pick your favorite. Then throw it out the window because the excuses as to why you have not continued to make your life a better place to be, are of no use to you. You are more than likely an individual who has accomplished quite a bit in your life. And now you are ready to move on to experiencing something that will bring a gust of fresh air into your existence. Its time to re-declare what you feel you are here to do and what you want. Its time to re-discover and re-declare what gifts you have to share with others. Its time to do your research to find new and innovative ways that you are able to utilize your natural talents and abilities.


Do you feel like there is a little man chasing you with a stopwatch, constantly reminding you that you are running out of time? In the early part of our lives, it seemed like we had forever to do what we needed to do. Now there is a different sense that many experience, of not being able to accomplish what is needed before they reach a certain age. What is interesting is that the fixation on time and the idea of running out of it, actually works against us and we end up doing significantly less. Try to remember a point in your life when you were not so restricted by timelines. You went to elementary school everyday - not so much doing the work because you were worried about graduating - but because you knew it was something you needed to do. And besides, there were many great experiences to be had and people you liked were there. Its important to take the same approach as you move through the various projects, professional obligations and personal goals at this point in life too.


Stop being so hard on yourself. The people will already be critical enough of you, they don't need your help. Somebody has to be in your corner, believing in you, cheering you on... it may as well be YOU! We spend so much time thinking about the should have, could have and would have; that we often forget that we still should, can and probably will - just as soon as we uninvite ourselves from our personal pity party. It takes just as much energy to tell yourself that you need to lose weight as it does to tell yourself that you are looking and feeling good at this age. Choose the latter, you'll love yourself more for it... literally.


I didn't suggest that you become a rock star. That could be time consuming and you have more important things to do, I realize. I simply suggest that you affirm that you are a rock star. Think about when you were a child. Do you remember what it used to feel like when you imagined that you had manifested all of your glory? Do you remember what you always thought you would grow up to be? Someone wonderful, loved and powerful. Its not too late, but first you will have to change your perception of who you are now.

There is nothing wrong with adopting the mentality that you are great. There is nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself and having a self-assured personality. When you stand in front of a group of people and have to give presentations or even in general conversations where all eyes are on you... don't shrink and become insecure. On the contrary, make it your show! Love yourself and project that love and others will love you too. Exuding confidence is contagious and those you interact with will believe in your words and vision the same way you do.


Dig deep and find that "S" emblem that you used to wear on your chest. Supermen and Superwomen must rediscover themselves through the eyes of their childhood. Only from this place will there be a rejuvenation of the pure hope and uncut faith that is needed to reach the new goals that you will begin setting for yourself. Move forward with the idea that what you want is already a part of your destiny; and all you must do is travel the path to reach your fortunate future. Start the journey now.

Part II coming soon!

Peace, Love & Success! C. Latrice | Fortunate Future Network

Get the free ebook version of "Success Astrology: Professional Profiles" from - a site dedicated to those who feel their spiritual growth is just as important as their financial freedom. The resources, articles and enlightened community contribute to improving the quality of life in positive ways through progressive methods. In addition to details on the best ways to interact with others professionally and socially; there are also sections to promote mind expansion, increase confidence and personal power, foster keen intuition and live in complete awareness.

Are You Feeling Funky?

Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. -
Benjamin Disraeli
ManI have been in a real funk lately. Unmotivated, unclear on my goals and overall, just down. As most Sales Professionals know, this just creates a downward spiral. You know the drill. You have a bad month and pretty soon you have convinced yourself that you are the worlds worst sales person. You go from the mountain top to the gutter in a matter of weeks, or even days. There are times you get so low that you start to convince yourself that you are in the wrong profession.

If you are truly a Sales Professional, you probably expect quite a bit from yourself. This can be a blessing and a curse. It can push to new heights, or you can be very good at beating yourself down to new lows. Here are some things that I have found bring me out of my sales funk.

Positive self talk

You are having a conversation with yourself all day long. It goes on inside your head. You are not crazy. This is normal. The beautiful thing is that you have the power to control this conversation. It does take a concerted effort. What happens in our down times, in our funk, is that we begin to focus on the negative. Our internal conversations with ourselves contain predominantly negative words and/or phrases. STOP IT! Begin to have positive conversation with your self.

Star with gratitude. Take 10 minutes and in your head, or better yet out loud, begin to go through all of the things you are thankful for. Start with the fact that you even have a job! Move on to your family, friends, whatever it takes to get you in a truly thankful mood. From this point on, dont allow yourself to have negative self talk. Tell your self Im the best! or Im a top producing sales professional. If you dont have a list of positive affirmations written down that you can kick start your positive thought flow again, do that right now. Keep these on your palm or in your planner where they are readily available. If you find yourself getting into a negative thought flow, go through these. Youll be surprised how things on the outside turn around as soon as you turn around things on the inside.

Go over your written goals

You have them, right? Your list of written goals. Take them out and go over them. You should be doing this on a daily or every other day basis anyway. I usually find that when Im feeling funky, I am not on track with my goals and objectives. You will find that the renewed focus on your goals will get you back on track and working towards them. This will inherently get you out of the downward spiral you are in.

If you dont have written goals, I would suggest visiting The Ultimate Goals Program and going through this fantastic program and defining your values, goals and objectives.

Get back to basics

Get on the phone. Get in your car. Do some prospecting. Fill the funnel. I guarantee that activity will get you out of the funk you are in. It will also contribute to your bottom line. You will also want to visit (unabashed self endorsement) to get refocused on your mission as a Sales Professional and to get some reminders that you are in the greatest profession there is!

Get focused physically

As driven professionals, we often work hard, work late and work long. The other side to that coin is that we tend to play as hard as we work! This sounds all hard core and driven, but it will lead to your body wearing down. When your body wears down, it effects all of your activities both mental and physical. It is all tied together. Take some time off. Take a mental break. Spend time with your family and just get some rest. You will be surprised at how much more productive you become after giving yourself a short break.


Dont be mistaken. The funk will come. You need to face it like any other challenge in your career. Head on. Recognize it, deal with it, learn from the experience and move on. Like any other challenge, there are lessons to be learned. If you can take something away from it, you can make it a positive experience.

About the Author was launched to fill the need for no cost, quality training and motivational material for Sales Professionals of all levels. Our goal is to train you, equip you, challenge and motivate you.

I have been a top producing Sales Professional for over 17 years. I have sold for large corporations and small start up companies. I believe that Sales is one of the most challenging yet rewarding fields an individual can choose. You have the ability to create your own destiny and determine your level of success. I take my profession very seriously, but have a great deal of fun achieving my goals. My wish is for you to do the same.

We are always hear to help and I am available to speak at Sales meetings and conferences. No cheesy pictures, no pumped up resumes. My presentations are packed with tons of humor and mountains of information and practical tools your sales staff can use right away. Please email me at for more information.

Walt Whitman has Went, But On Poetry Shall I Be Spent

Walt Whitman

The All American Writer

As pure as apple cider

You were an iconoclast

A man after my own heart

Outwitting the rest

Giving the world your best

Providing illuminating imagery

Paradox to stimulate intellectually

Active with political activity

To "Honest Abe"

Showing yourself friendly

Expressive in regard to democracy

Vocal concerning slavery

Uninhibited with your philosophy

Boldly opposing structured rigidity


Untamed and untranslatable

Your writings not degradable

Breaking barriers

You published your own

Taking Leaves of Grass

Making the world its home

Your perception and presumption

Received maximum absorption

As you said,

"What I assume you shall assume"

For your piece

Ralph Waldo Emerson made room

A free man

Writing free verse

With a New Yorker's attitude of course

Building bridges

Be it by your spider's filament

Or crossing gulfs

By the Brooklyn Ferry

Enraptured by big city vibrancy

Sophistication and intellectual stimulation

Providing ample literary opportunity

Despite criticism, conflict and controversy

Walt let his heart lead him

Even if that sometimes meant contradiction

An earthy man who loved nature

Walt put faith in the common man

And found vitality in simplicity

Socializing wholeheartedly

With friends on both sides of the Atlantic

With his time and resources philanthropic

During the Civil War

He nursed the sick and wounded

Providing compassionate care

Unlike most he did dare

To give of himself

Beyond lectures and charity

His tomb self-designed in Harleigh Cemetery

Walt worked wonders

With His god-given talent

Yet remained humble in his self-assessment

Saying, "I am as bad as the worst,

but, thank God,

I am as good as the best."

Well said dear Walt

May your soul take rest.

I pray I like you

Can be so gifted and blessed.

Paul Davis is a masterful poet, worldwide professional speaker, minister and author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; and Stop Lusting & Start Living.

Paul is a life coach (relational & professional), popular keynote speaker, creative consultant, humor being, adventurer, explorer, mediator, liberator and dream-maker.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has also brought revival to many in war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations and reviving nations!

Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:
407-967-7553, 407-284-1705


After the Lead: How to Sell Your Insurance Leads

Youve done some research, chosen a leads provider that delivers fresh, real-time leads and have set filters to receive only the leads you can writeand now theyre popping into your inbox. Now what?

Learning some best practices from expert agents is a great way to get off on the right foot. With a few tips, youll be able to sell leads like the expertsand surpass the competition.

Contacting the Lead

When it comes to capitalizing on your insurance leads, contacting your leads in a timely manner is essential. This is especially true if youre buying real-time leadsby making immediate contact, you can quote a consumer while theyre in the shopping mood and interested in what you can do for them.

So after you receive the lead, should you call or email the prospect? The answer to that question is really a matter of personal preference. Many agents feel that its less intrusive to email a lead rather than phone them; other agents feel that immediate contact can best be made by phone. Youll probably have the best luck using a combination of both phone and email to reach your lead.

If you cant get a hold of a lead by phone, make sure to send them an email detailing who you are, your company and what you have to offer. Email is also a great follow-up tool to use after youve spoken to a leadthanking them for your time and stating your eagerness to form a business relationship.

If you cant get a hold of the prospect on the first or second try, dont give up. Vary your call times and send an additional email to remind the consumer of what you can do for them. Just remember to pursue your leads tactfullyno one likes to feel chased.

Expert Tip: To speed the contact process, you might want to create a template to insert as the footer of your emails. You should include your name, a short professional profile and how you can best be reached.

Selling the Lead

Now that youve established contact with the lead and theyre interested in what you have to offer, its time to make that lead a new client. How can you secure the sale?

As youve probably learned, its important to put less emphasis on the sales pitch and more emphasis on engaging the prospect in conversation. By starting a conversation, you can learn about your prospectwhat does she need out of her coverage? What does he want from his coverage? Establishing a rapport with the prospect will build trustan essential component to closing sales.

You can also move the sales process along by eliminating pressure. You dont like to feel pressured to make a purchasing decision and neither do your prospects. Instead of forcing them into a decision, you can encourage the prospect by reiterating what your product will do for them, your commitment to customer service and how much money you can save them.

You should also have something for the consumer to look at. A brochure or folder of materials outlining your products and information will further illustrate why and how your services will meet their needs, as well as give them something to refer to when they decide to buy.

Expert Tip: Whether youre talking to the lead on the phone or theyre seated in front of you, start the conversation with some open-ended questions to get the prospect talking. Listen intentlyand tailor the advantages of your services accordingly!

Taking Back Lost Sales

So you lost the prospect to a competitor. Dont beat yourself up; it happens to the best agents. And, even though youre down, youre not out!

While many agents let lost prospects go and move on to the next lead, expert agents keep track of prospects, namely those that were lost by a narrow margin. Instead of shredding the contact information, file it away to be contacted again in six months. You never know, they may be ready to shop for insurance again and give you a second chance!

Expert Tip: Instead of filing prospect information in a paper file to be forgotten about, enter the information into an electronic file and have an alert sent to your email to contact the prospect in six months. When it pops up, youll have the prospects contact information and other helpful details right at your fingertips. Send them an email and see if theyre ready to shop!

Sell Your Leads like the Pros

Youve talked the talk, now its time to walk the walk! Implement these best practices into your sales strategy and sell more auto, home, life and health insurance leads today!

About InsureMe

Megan L. Mahan is a copywriter and insurance information expert with InsureMe in Englewood, Colorado. InsureMe links agents nationwide with consumers shopping for insurance. Specializing in auto, home, life, long-term care and health insurance quotes, the InsureMe network provides thousands of agents with insurance leads every year. For more information, visit

Rules for Insurance Coverage

Insurance is essentially a contract between the insurer and policy owner. Insurer agrees to pay an amount to the person insured or his nominee at any unfortunate event (according to the policy) or at the date or maturity or at death of the policy owner. Policy owner has to pay a fixed amount called premium in periodic intervals (monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly). Premium amount varies depends on many factors like age of the policy owner, scheme, type of the policy, sum assured etc.

The various types of insurances are:

Car Insurance

If you use an automobile for your business activities - for example, transporting supplies or products, visiting customers, or ferrying employees or customers - you need to make certain your automobile insurance will protect you from accidents that occur while on business. Car insurance takes care of all this.

Health & Disability Insurance

Health insurance is needed to cover the medical costs if you fall ill or hurt yourself and Disability insurance is needed if you are unable to work because of sickness or injury.
Insuring Workers

Once you hire an employee, it becomes your duty to compensate to cover what it costs if the employee is hurt on the job and needs medical treatment and income until he can return to work. Compensating injured workers insurance policy takes this load off your head.
Umbrella Policies

An umbrella policy offers you extra liability insurance that pays for a loss when the limits of your policy are reached. Suppose, if you're responsible for someone's injury that requires Rs.1, 50,000 of medical treatment and the liability limit in your underlying policy is Rs.1, 00,000, your umbrella policy will pay the additional Rs.50, 000.

Four key rules of insurance coverage:

1. Insure against the big catastrophes and disasters only. Differentiate what you can't afford to pay for out of pocket and always remember that "the cheapest insurance is self-insurance".

2. Carry the largest possible deductibles you can afford. The larger the deductible, the more you are self-insuring and the cheaper the premium will be.

3. Trust only the best-rated insurance companies. You need insurance companies you can depend on and no hidden costs and conditions.

4. Choose your agent carefully. He should not be a mere third party, rather he should be the first person you contact in case of an emergency knowing that he will take a prompt action on the insurance front while you take care of the damage.

5. Study your insurance plan very carefully and discuss every situation possible. Also study the feedback given by previous or existing customers of the company.

Read more articles

Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to Indians to make money through internet using his experience.

Read articles by him at

Online car loan shopping practically guarantees that you are getting the best rates. Your location is no longer a barrier to finding the best auto loan rate. However, you want to take advantage of the financing options available. While searching for an auto loan, research financing companies, negotiate terms, and increase your down payment to get low rates.

Study Financing Companies

A sure fire way to find the best car loan rate is to study financing companies. Only by requesting quotes and comparing the fine print can you truly know you are getting the lowest rate.

Fortunately, online auto loan brokers offer convenient ways to compare lenders. With some sites you can make side by side comparisons, while other sites will email you multiple financing offers. Auto loan brokers work hard to attract customers by negotiating lower rates with lenders, so you often will find better deals through their sites that through a dealership.

To ensure that you are getting accurate quotes, fill out the form as completely as possible. A slight difference in income or employment dates can reduce your interest rate.

Negotiate Terms

To find the best auto loan for your financial situation, you will want to balance the interest rates and length of your loan. Shorter loans offer lower rates, but with a higher monthly payment. Take a look at your monthly budget to see what type of auto loan would work best for your situation.

Increase Your Down Payment

While zero down or a slight down payment are options for car buyers, a large down payment will save you money. By putting down 20% or more, you will qualify for a lower interest rate, even if you have adverse credit. You will also save money by not paying interest on that portion of the vehicles price.

Demand A Better Deal

By getting pre-qualified for a car loan, you can also reduce the cost of your vehicle by demanding a better deal from your dealership. As a pre-qualified buyer, salespeople see you as a cash buyer, and they want your money. You can negotiate for rebates, higher trade-in value of your vehicle, and extra features.

To view our list of recommended auto finance companies online, please visit
this page: Recommended
Auto Loan Companies Online

Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.

How to Get Better Car Loan Rates

Getting a good car loan rate from an national auto loan lender is not at all luck, but rather a skill that you should learn. there are good car loan rates available to you if you know the tricks of the trade and how to negotiate the best possible deal for yourself. Remember, you shouldn't be afraid or nervous when trying to negotiate for a loan from a national auto loan lender because you're going to be saving yourself money in the process. That should give the courage and motivation that you need to get the best possible car loan rate available. Follow these easy suggestions in order to guide yourself in buying a new vehicle and negotiating your car loan rate of interest.

Tip #1 : Buy Your Car at The End of The Month

Typically car dealerships have contests and the winner of these contests get a good prize, whether it be money or some other reward. Usually these contests are a month long, so at the end of the money the sales people are scrambling to make a sale despite the price. So, with that said, you should be able to negotiate a better price on your vehicle during these sorts of competitions. The lower the cost of your car, the better the terms you should be able to get for your car loan.

Apply for Better Car Loan Rates, NOW!!

Tip #2 : Have a Good Credit

Now this could very well seem obvious to you, but everyone isn't aware of how exactly their credit can affect their car loan rate quote. If you have excellent credit, go buy a car whenever you want because you have the reason to be able to negotiate a great rate immediately. If you have poor credit however, work on rebuilding your credit by utilizing a sub prime auto loan lender. While you will end up paying a higher rate, this is only temporary because after a years time you should be in a great position to renegotiate your rates.

Tip #3 : Negotiate Your National Auto Loan

When you talk to national auto lenders be sure not to allow them to have the knowledge of how much money you are capable of spending per month on your auto loan. If you throw out the highest number available to you then this is going to be the starting point for them and is exactly what you want to avoid. Instead, negotiate with them, knowing your limits though. There are always other car dealers and lending institutions out there. You should never ever accept the first offer you receive without trying to first get a better deal then what is presented to you.

These simple tips can help you on your way to financial freedom and grant you the ability to get you the car of your dreams without the struggle that most people go through each day.

Nationwide Auto Finance lenders at Auto-Financed.Com are committed to help customers to get good national car loan rates, bad credit auto finance and pre-approved car loans with a choice of programs even with no credit, bad credit, poor credit or bankruptcy.

Income Protection Insurance Against Redundancy

Redundancy can happen at anytime but you can protect against the unknown and the fact that it might happen to you. Income protection insurance would allow you to take out a policy for a fixed premium each month depending on how much you want to protect and your age.

This form of protection insurance should not be confused with income payment protection insurance. Income payment protection insurance would provide you with a replacement income if you were made redundant or were unable to work after suffering an illness or an accident. It would provide you with an income from between 30 and 90 days depending on the provider which would last for between 12 and 24 months.

Income protection insurance would not payout if you were to become unemployed by redundancy. It would cover you in case you should fall ill or if you had an accident that meant you were unable to work. Another big difference between the two policies is that it would provide long term protection, up to the age of retirement if needed. This means that if you fall ill or suffer an accident the cover would begin to provide you with a replacement income and continue to do so right up to you retiring if you could not go back to work.

Many providers who offer this type of insurance also offer premium rate. This means that you are able to take out premiums that remain fixed the whole time you are paying for the policy. The actual premium you will be asked to pay will depend largely on your circumstances. Your age might play a factor in the rate for the premium however other factors will also be taken into account and play a big part. Your gender, medical history and occupation will be taken into account and if your job puts you at a bigger risk then the premium will be higher. Another big difference between the two types of insurance protection policies is the deferment period. In the case of this policy it is considerably longer.

Covering your income against a loss is essential whichever form of protection insurance you wish to take out. You would be able to continue meeting your essential outgoings and of course one of the most important is your mortgage. If you get behind on your mortgage then you are risking losing your home, as the lender can choose to start repossession proceedings. Just one missed repayment is enough to have the lender send you a letter and wanting to know when you are going to catch up on the arrears. If you do not know when you are able to go back to work you would not be able to make any arrangement to repay.

Of course you would also be able to continue to pay all your other essential outgoings such as loan, credit card repayments and also other bills that have to go out each month. Both income protection insurance and income payment protection are both valuable forms of cover which can save you additional stress and anxiety.

Simon Burgess is Managing Director of the award-winning British Insurance, a specialist provider of income protection insurance.

What Is A 0% Interest Auto Loan?

Car advertising shows that hot brand new car just begging you to buy it. The ad also says the dealer will give you 0% financing on it. Is that a good deal? Here is what you need to know about 0% financing on your auto loan.

Car dealers are out to make money - like any business. This means that they have to work to constantly get a new turnover of clients all the time. 0% financing is just one of many tools used to get the general attention of the public so that they will come and take a look. And if you are wondering - yes, there is a catch that may make their more regular offers a little more enticing - once you understand the actual offer.

Since everyone likes to think they can get something for nothing - it works to draw people to their car showroom floors. This ends up actually being an either/or situation.

0% financing allows you to make a quick discount on your car financing but only under certain conditions. For instance, in most cases it will require that you pay for the car in three years or less. This causes there to be a pretty hefty monthly payment - even without the interest. In fact, the payment on this kind of auto loan may be still be more than $100 to $150 higher than another loan - even with the interest added!

Other possible subtractions from the new vehicle price most likely will not be allowed. Rebates and other dealer incentives may not be added to the deal on a 0% financing auto loan package. This places you in a position of having to make a choice. You can either get the 0% financing or the package that has the interest plus the possibility of rebates and other offers.

In order to see which deal will work best, you need to do some searching and find auto loan calculators. These will quickly enable you to see the difference between the two loans, enabling you to see which on will best fit your situation.

Some offers require that you also need to put down up to 25%, in order to qualify for the 0% auto loan. This is a pretty steep price - but certainly there are those who can afford it. With this kind of "deal," however, many people will not even care to qualify.

If you are looking for a low monthly payment, then the choice seems to be rather obvious - 0% financing is probably not for you. For others who can afford it, it can be a great way to have the car paid for in a short time - without interest (or incentives).

Before you do any financing for an auto loan, however, it is always a good idea to shop around. Someone else may have a better deal and you do not want to pay more than is necessary for your new car. Get several quotes, do the calculations, and compare them carefully to find your best deal.

Joe Kenny writes for, offering auto finance, or for UK residents car loans with some great interest rates.

Visit today: Loans from Rebuild

Tips For A Better Auto Loan

When you need to get a new car, you do not need to take the loan that the dealer offers to you. While the loan may sometimes be a good deal - it is not necessarily the best. For you to save money, though, and get a better deal, simply follow the steps below.

1. Know How Much You Can Afford

Part of getting the loan that you want is to make sure it fits your budget. For this reason, you need to calculate how much you can comfortably afford. Only you know just how much this is, and you need to try to stay below this figure when getting your new car. It will not help you to buy a car you really cannot afford to keep or maintain. Remember, when you calculate this figure, you should have an idea about how much car insurance will be, and other expenses such as gas.

2. Get Preapproved For An Auto Loan

Find a lender by getting several quotes and seeing how much they will lend you. This will save you time, and in many cases money, because it will enable you to start out knowing exactly how much of a loan you have to work with.

Once you are approved, the lender will issue you a blank check with a credit limit. All you need to do is find the car you want and fill in the check for the amount of the car. The loan is not actually in force until you sign it. If you don't, then the loan will be cancelled and the check becomes void after a short period.

3. Find A Car You Like

The next thing is to get an idea of the car you want to buy. You can do this easily by searching online. Then you want to find out how much that same car is selling for elsewhere, as well as looking it up in the Blue Book.

Be careful of paying a fee to see the cars at any car dealer. This is just a ploy to get you to give them some money so they can hold you there until you buy from them. You should not have to pay anything to see cars - or even test-drive them.

4. Negotiate Price

After knowing the price of what a car is worth, you can negotiate for a better price with the car salesman. Typically, you should be able to bring the car down to within a couple of hundred dollars of cost. They do need to make some profit, since this is how they put bread on their table.

Also, don't forget that you can reduce your payments more by making a down payment. The larger the down payment, the less you will need to pay each month. It is also true that if you keep the time for repayment as short as possible, it will save you more dollars in interest. Be sure to understand some of the things that the dealer may try to add to your agreement. Some of these may make sense - others are really unnecessary.

5. Drive Away

The obvious last step of the deal. This is where you can drive away with a smile on your face. Your research has told you that you came away with a good deal - and you are now comfortable with it. Enjoy your new car.

Joe Kenny writes for the Loans Store, for cars they are offering great car finance, or for cheap auto loans

Or visit today: Car Loans from Nations Finance

Auto Insurance 101 Explained

Auto insurance can be confusing for most consumers; there are so many different types of insurance and it can be difficult to determine the type of coverage youre required to carry versus the types of coverage that you really should carry in order to protect yourself but that are not required.

When considering how much car insurance you should have, it is best to do some research and find out what type of insurance is required by the state in which you reside. Not all states require the same levels of insurance. Some states require more types of coverage than others and states also vary in terms of the amount of coverage that is required. So, be sure you know exactly what the minimums are in the state where you live.

You should also understand what is covered by the different types of insurance in order to understand whether you need insurance coverage above and beyond the minimum required by your state of residence.

Bodily injury liability covers injuries that you cause to someone else while driving your vehicle. Generally the rule of thumb for this type of coverage is to purchase more than is required by your state minimums in order to protect your private assets from a law suit in the event that you injure someone.

Medical payments or personal injury protection, commonly known as PIP covers the treatment of injuries for the driver and the passengers of the vehicle. Depending on the level of coverage, this type of policy will compensate lost wages as well as medical payments.

Collision covers any damage that occurs to your vehicle in the event of an accident, even if it is your fault. Of course, a deductible will apply. Your lender will generally require this type of coverage while you still owe on the vehicle.

Comprehensive coverage is for the loss of your vehicle due to damage by something other than a collision such as theft, fire, natural disaster, vandalism, etc. Again, your lender will probably require this coverage for a financed vehicle. Once your loan is paid off, its up to you whether you want to continue carrying comprehensive and collision coverage.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage can come in handy in the event that you are either involved in a hit and run or if you are hit by someone who does not have insurance or who is underinsured.

When considering how much insurance to take out, start with the amount that is required at a minimum by your state and then consider whether youre required to take out any additional coverage due to lender requirements. Remember that while we all hope we wont have a need for insurance, in the event that we do, it can be a financial lifesaver.

Finally, dont forget to consider your options regarding deductibles. Raising your deductible can help you lower your premiums and that can make taking out additional insurance coverage more affordable. Just be sure you can reasonably afford the deductible in the event you need to use it.

Joe Kenny writes for the UK Loans Store where you will find information and reviews of the latest loans and offer more information on secured loans and other loan topics available on site.
Visit Today:

I'm not sure why so many of the quality life and car insurance companies mainly focus their advertising efforts towards the west coast. However rest assured there are a number of quality life and car insurance companies on the East Coast as well.

What should really drive your decision on picking an insurance company is the type of product that you need. Not all life insurance companies are right for the same person. On the east coast Prudential life insurance offers the best long-term whole life insurance products. They have three different options that will help you manage risk as well as create an awesome investment vehicle.

But not everybody can afford a whole life insurance policy. They are very expensive. There is no way of getting around this. Or is there?

AIG life insurance offers hybrid life insurance plans. These plans allow you to obtain a cheap term life insurance policy that can later be converted to a whole life insurance plan. The best part is that a portion of your premiums that you pay towards your term life insurance plan can be recaptured when you ultimately switch to the whole life insurance product. It's unfortunate that more people do not know about these plans.

AIG has a number of different pricing options that make these plans available to a wide audience. The pricing will affect your term life coverage as well as how much you recapture when you convert to the whole life insurance product.

If you are on a tight budget but still would like the comfort of owning a term life insurance product. Then you should consider looking at American Direct. On the East Coast it is hard to beat the prices of their term life insurance product. Their standard term life insurance product is not as flexible as the choices described above. However, the policy will provide you excellent coverage at affordable rates.

Please don't give up looking for a sound life insurance product. Life insurance should be an extremely important part of your overall investment portfolio. As a CPA I actually see people reap the benefits that life insurance provides. We hope this information helps you pick the best product for you and your family.

The Life Insurance and Car Insurance Company Review at http://www.Life-And-Car-Insurance.Com provides great information on these East Coast Insurance Companies. There are no obligations and this resource is free to use

Critical Illness Insurance Buying Online

You can buy pretty much everything over the Internet these days and this most certainly applies to insurance. But the process of buying something over the telephone or Internet means that you do not have the benefit of having a person in front of you to explain something in depth if you do not understand.

Another thing is that as a growing number of people begin to start buying products online, there are new problems that occur teething problems shall we say that keep cropping up as more companies start offering services over the Internet for the first time.

With complex insurance policies like Critical Illness Insurance, a type of insurance where sometimes people do not fully understand exactly what they are buying, it is an area that could become a problem.

The Association of British Insurers thinks so anyway, which is why the organisation is improving the standards of the insurance application process via the telephone or the Internet for different types of health and protection policies, including those for critical illnesses.

A spokesman for the ABI, says: Because the mechanics are slightly different when you are applying for a policy on the internet, you need to look at that process slightly separately and that is what we are doing at the moment. It is a piece of work that is on-going and it will improve the application process for telephone and Internet applications.

The ABIs spokesperson explain that it is not exactly that there have been problems with people buying medical policies like Critical Illness Insurance over the internet before, but the new standards will simply just recognise that buying a financial product over the internet means that financial companies have to change the way they collection personal information.

It is more a recognition that we need to translate the new good practise that we have put in place on paper to the online and telephone application process. The methods of collecting the information are subtley different, the ABI said.

The move to improve standards for buying health insurance policies for things like critical illness on line comes after the ABI this year launched various measures to make the steps to buying health policies simpler for both consumers and financial advisers. The organisation also updated guidance specifically for Critical Illness Insurance, offering guidelines on how to bring more clarity to application forms. The entire overhaul of personal medical insurance guidelines meant improvements to the leaflets offering advice on Critical Illness Insurance, the removal of memory test questions like have you been to a doctor in the last five years? and clear warnings on application forms about the consequences if you do not reveal pre-existing medical conditions.

The changes came after speaking with cancer charities and other organisations. It was hoped that the guidance would reduce the likelihood that a claim would be declined for non-disclosure of a pre-existing medical condition.

The ABIs spokesperson said, Having put in place what we believe to be higher standards of clarity on the application form, we clearly want to apply those higher standards to all forms of underwriting application.

The work being carried out by the Association for online applications is still work in progress. And it is still unclear when the new standards will be released. But regardless of the time frame, it is certain that they will definitely be released soon.

Get great articles based around term assurance

Cheap insurance: I'll reveal more ways anyone can get massive discounts without downgrading their coverage. Don't fail to take note of the precautions you're advised to take as you implement these tips...

1. Although you have the option of insuring against every imaginable peril, you really do NOT need to. The probability of certain perils in your location is too low to make purchasing home insurance coverage for them necessary. Different states have perils that have high chances of occurring and those that are almost impossible.

2. We sometimes want to renovate our house. Bringing down your rate might not even be on your mind as you do it. You want to make sure that your home is just the way you like it with everything working perfectly well.

If you do this you'll qualify for a reasonable discount. So make sure your agent is informed about it.

New houses and renovated homes will bring you cheaper rates always. Nevertheless, remember that the level of renovation carried out will also determine the amount of discount you'll receive.

3. You'll save if you get all your policies from the same insurance company. This makes you eligible for a multi-policy discount. Even though you will receive discounts for buying multiple policies from the same insurer, you may make more by purchasing each of your policy from different insurers.

4. Do you have fire escapes in your home? Do not fail to let your agent know about this or you might miss the discount you should get. And this applies even if yours are as simple as rope ladders for rooms in the upper stories of your home.

If, on the other hand, you do not have any fire escape or the right number and kind, you're likely missing out on discounts you should obtain. And do not forget to ask your agent what your insurer counts as a standard fire escape since complying with that guarantees savings.

5. The most important route to reasonable savings in home insurance is comparison shopping -- That's if you do it right. You can get quotes that will have a range in excess of $1,000. You could conveniently save so much by just picking the lowest quote.

This should apply if you're just after the lowest price. However, if you're after the best price/value then you'd have to check the details of the lowest offers. Different insurance companies may have adjustments for similar policies. It's a good idea to ask the agent what's included and what's excluded.

Here are great pages for insurance quotes...

InsureMe Insurance Quotes

Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

Finance a New Car - Tips From the Experts

Tip #1 - Shorter Is Better

If you have to finance a new car, shorter is better. As Peter Valdes-Dapena of CNNMoney points out,

There are serious downsides to this approach, though. Besides paying thousands more in interest, buyers taking out long car loans are more likely to find themselves in a financial bind if they need a new car again in just a few years. That could happen because of an accident or simply because a car owner is tempted by a newer model.

One way to avoid this potential problem is to have a larger down payment so you have a smaller amount to finance on a new car loan. Another safeguard is to take the shortest loan term for which you can handle the monthly payments.

Tip #2 - Financing First

According to the editors at, if you arrange financing before you go to the dealership, you are in a much stronger position to negotiate. This important step presents a number of advantages because it keeps negotiations simple in the dealership and allows you to shop competitive interest rates ahead of time. It also removes dependency on dealership financing and encourages you to stick to your budgeted amount.

Tip #3 - Comparison Shop

Shop around to get the best possible price on your new car. Check newspaper ads, dealer showrooms, and the Internet. Plan to negotiate as most dealers are willing to give a little from their profit marginusually between 10 and 20 percentto make the sale. If you dont find what you want at the neighborhood dealerships, consider ordering your new car. There are several reputable car-buying services online.

Learn more about how to Finance a New Car and get a complimentary loan quote at Auto Loans In Seconds. It is a no-risk way to discover how much you could be pre-qualified to borrow toward a new car.

Mike Hamel is the author of several books and online articles about auto financing. His material is featured on sites like Auto Loans In Seconds.

Travel Trailer Insurance

Even in family recreational activities like traveling with a trailer, safety is always your priority. Nothing can give you more peace of mind amid your camping or weekend vacations than knowing that your family, your property and the investment in your home on wheels (RVs) are secured and protected.

Whether its a long vacation, or a short one, or whether you plan for full-time traveling, travel trailer insurance policies will make you feel secure knowing that all your investments will not be put to waste in case you incur losses due to accident, theft, windstorms, or just about any kind of unwanted situation that might endanger your lives and that of your property.

Among the benefits of insurance are personal property coverage, trailer attached accessories coverage, towing assistance, guaranteed loss replacement, coverage for RV full timers, medical benefits, emergency expense coverage, purchase price protection, and campsite or vacation liability coverage. Many insurance providers also have specialized insurance programs that have optional policies that differ from these mentioned standard travel trailer insurance policies.

Many travel trailer insurance companies also feature discounts for owning multiple policies with them or for maintaining a good driving record. They also provide options to decrease your premium cash out by increasing your deductibles. Premiums are based on type, size, and cost of your trailer; your age; your gender; the address at which the vehicle is principally garaged; and the frequency of your trailer use. Renewal policies are usually based on a twelve-month period.

Since insurance policies vary from one state to another, you can always locate a provider near you, especially through online searches, and find out the available services offered in your area. Many companies also provide free insurance quotes and all the necessary information you need, so you have better options for getting the best insurance policy tailored to your needs.

A temporary or permanent RV lifestyle need not be risky or costly for you, just as long as you know the right security and insurance that you and your trailer need; you can always be reassured and have a rewarding and peaceful RV experience.

Travel Trailers provides detailed information on Travel Trailers, Used Travel Trailer, Travel Trailer Rental, Travel Trailer Manufacturer and more. Travel Trailers is affiliated with Truck Lift Kits.

What Is A 0% Interest Auto Loan?

Car advertising shows that hot brand new car just begging you to buy it. The ad also says the dealer will give you 0% financing on it. Is that a good deal? Here is what you need to know about 0% financing on your auto loan.

Car dealers are out to make money - like any business. This means that they have to work to constantly get a new turnover of clients all the time. 0% financing is just one of many tools used to get the general attention of the public so that they will come and take a look. And if you are wondering - yes, there is a catch that may make their more regular offers a little more enticing - once you understand the actual offer.

Since everyone likes to think they can get something for nothing - it works to draw people to their car showroom floors. This ends up actually being an either/or situation.

0% financing allows you to make a quick discount on your car financing but only under certain conditions. For instance, in most cases it will require that you pay for the car in three years or less. This causes there to be a pretty hefty monthly payment - even without the interest. In fact, the payment on this kind of auto loan may be still be more than $100 to $150 higher than another loan - even with the interest added!

Other possible subtractions from the new vehicle price most likely will not be allowed. Rebates and other dealer incentives may not be added to the deal on a 0% financing auto loan package. This places you in a position of having to make a choice. You can either get the 0% financing or the package that has the interest plus the possibility of rebates and other offers.

In order to see which deal will work best, you need to do some searching and find auto loan calculators. These will quickly enable you to see the difference between the two loans, enabling you to see which on will best fit your situation.

Some offers require that you also need to put down up to 25%, in order to qualify for the 0% auto loan. This is a pretty steep price - but certainly there are those who can afford it. With this kind of "deal," however, many people will not even care to qualify.

If you are looking for a low monthly payment, then the choice seems to be rather obvious - 0% financing is probably not for you. For others who can afford it, it can be a great way to have the car paid for in a short time - without interest (or incentives).

Before you do any financing for an auto loan, however, it is always a good idea to shop around. Someone else may have a better deal and you do not want to pay more than is necessary for your new car. Get several quotes, do the calculations, and compare them carefully to find your best deal.

Joe Kenny writes for, offering auto finance, or for UK residents car loans with some great interest rates.

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