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Review of Sacraments

As a Catholic you will often hear that the Church is a sacramental church. And as a cradle Catholic I had each sacraments bestowed on me as I grew. Now being taught by nuns, I am not sure if it got truncated view or what but I have had to do a lot of learning about each sacrament. One thing I did learn is this, all seven sacraments call be traced to Jesus himself. I found that to be an awesome piece of information.

Each of these sacraments have special rites and rituals associated with them and we will be giving a brief overview of each of the sacraments.

A Christian and in turn a Catholic Baptism must be Trinitarian in form. So what does that mean. What it means is the first sacrament, Baptism must be done In the name of the Father, In the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is the sacrament of water and starts with God and the first person of the Trinity. er. Jesus himself was baptized by John the Baptist and was submerged into the Jordan River. Jesus had a Trinitarian Baptism. The symbolism of the water is used to wash away original sin, sin that was committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This sacrament is the basic tenant of all Christian religious with the exclusion of a few. The baptisms that are not recognized are not Trinitarian in form. Among unrecognized baptism are Mormon, Unitarian, and Jehovah's Witness.

The second Sacrament is Reconciliation. You may also hear it referred to as penance. It is probably the most over looked sacrament. And maybe the most ridiculed. I often here from converts that it was one of he hardest concepts for them to 'get'. In recent years this sacraments has made a huge come back thanks the urging of Pope John Paul II. The Pope relegated in recent years from when Vatican II it advocated the use of the sacrament for mortal sin. The Church does ask you go once a year.

The Third Sacrament is Eucharist or Communion. This sacrament was handed to us by Jesus during the last supper. There is much that is and can be written on this particular sacrament but the root is the real present of Christ in the Eucharist. It is the one doctoral teaching of the Catholic Church that sets it apart all other churches. Jesus is present at each and every mass. Its a profound thought

The Fourth Sacrament is that of the Holy Spirit, or Confirmation. Baptism by fire. This gives each Candidate the opportunity to reconfirm his Baptismal vows and speak for himself. Where many view this as a finalization, the reality is it is actually the start of the persons life in the church.

The Fifth Sacrament is Matrimony or Marriage and of course his one is pretty self explanatory.

The Sixth Sacrament is Holy Orders. This is the sacrament that people entering religious life participate in.

The Seventh and final Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick. This sacrament has evolved some again with the help of Pope John Paul II. He opened this sacrament up and redefined it a bit so that sick could participate in this and not one that was dying, which is what the previous understanding of it was. If you are having surgery, or are ill, suffering with cancer and alike you are very welcome to be anointed.

Beth Guide is the webmaster for Rosary Religious Inspirational Gifts

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