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After the Lead: How to Sell Your Insurance Leads

Youve done some research, chosen a leads provider that delivers fresh, real-time leads and have set filters to receive only the leads you can writeand now theyre popping into your inbox. Now what?

Learning some best practices from expert agents is a great way to get off on the right foot. With a few tips, youll be able to sell leads like the expertsand surpass the competition.

Contacting the Lead

When it comes to capitalizing on your insurance leads, contacting your leads in a timely manner is essential. This is especially true if youre buying real-time leadsby making immediate contact, you can quote a consumer while theyre in the shopping mood and interested in what you can do for them.

So after you receive the lead, should you call or email the prospect? The answer to that question is really a matter of personal preference. Many agents feel that its less intrusive to email a lead rather than phone them; other agents feel that immediate contact can best be made by phone. Youll probably have the best luck using a combination of both phone and email to reach your lead.

If you cant get a hold of a lead by phone, make sure to send them an email detailing who you are, your company and what you have to offer. Email is also a great follow-up tool to use after youve spoken to a leadthanking them for your time and stating your eagerness to form a business relationship.

If you cant get a hold of the prospect on the first or second try, dont give up. Vary your call times and send an additional email to remind the consumer of what you can do for them. Just remember to pursue your leads tactfullyno one likes to feel chased.

Expert Tip: To speed the contact process, you might want to create a template to insert as the footer of your emails. You should include your name, a short professional profile and how you can best be reached.

Selling the Lead

Now that youve established contact with the lead and theyre interested in what you have to offer, its time to make that lead a new client. How can you secure the sale?

As youve probably learned, its important to put less emphasis on the sales pitch and more emphasis on engaging the prospect in conversation. By starting a conversation, you can learn about your prospectwhat does she need out of her coverage? What does he want from his coverage? Establishing a rapport with the prospect will build trustan essential component to closing sales.

You can also move the sales process along by eliminating pressure. You dont like to feel pressured to make a purchasing decision and neither do your prospects. Instead of forcing them into a decision, you can encourage the prospect by reiterating what your product will do for them, your commitment to customer service and how much money you can save them.

You should also have something for the consumer to look at. A brochure or folder of materials outlining your products and information will further illustrate why and how your services will meet their needs, as well as give them something to refer to when they decide to buy.

Expert Tip: Whether youre talking to the lead on the phone or theyre seated in front of you, start the conversation with some open-ended questions to get the prospect talking. Listen intentlyand tailor the advantages of your services accordingly!

Taking Back Lost Sales

So you lost the prospect to a competitor. Dont beat yourself up; it happens to the best agents. And, even though youre down, youre not out!

While many agents let lost prospects go and move on to the next lead, expert agents keep track of prospects, namely those that were lost by a narrow margin. Instead of shredding the contact information, file it away to be contacted again in six months. You never know, they may be ready to shop for insurance again and give you a second chance!

Expert Tip: Instead of filing prospect information in a paper file to be forgotten about, enter the information into an electronic file and have an alert sent to your email to contact the prospect in six months. When it pops up, youll have the prospects contact information and other helpful details right at your fingertips. Send them an email and see if theyre ready to shop!

Sell Your Leads like the Pros

Youve talked the talk, now its time to walk the walk! Implement these best practices into your sales strategy and sell more auto, home, life and health insurance leads today!

About InsureMe

Megan L. Mahan is a copywriter and insurance information expert with InsureMe in Englewood, Colorado. InsureMe links agents nationwide with consumers shopping for insurance. Specializing in auto, home, life, long-term care and health insurance quotes, the InsureMe network provides thousands of agents with insurance leads every year. For more information, visit

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