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When We Were Super Heroes (Part I)

What do you do when you accomplish the goals that you set for yourself years ago? House... check. Kids... check. Head above water in bank account...check. Sure, most of the areas have room for improvement; but what doesn't? The fact is, you have gone through various stages of life in a natural way and have managed to satisfactorily complete each, so - now what?


Somewhere in our adult lives we find that we do not have that same sort of mentality that we did when we were younger. You remember the time when you believed you could do almost anything. From flying, to creating magic - there were no limits to what you thought you had the ability to accomplish. Of course this was pre-disappointment... pre-heartbreak... pre-failure... pre-setback. It's a little more difficult these days to have the same hopes and dreams when you feel that you may possibly be let down. The fact is, you are impacted by what you have experienced. Welcome to the post-disappointment stage in life, which brings us to our first new goal.


You must find the ability to reconnect with a part of your life where you did not mind giving it all you had; because it was prior to the time that you started believing you could fail. This is the state of mind from which you will accomplish your greatest goals. You may notice that there are several things you think about doing, but you stop yourself. Why? Because it may not work, you say. What is the use in putting forth the time, energy and effort in something that may not even give you the results you want? Valid question. But what is even more valid is that no one has ever accomplished anything without first recognizing the possibility of failure. They work hard to overcome those odds in order to attain what they desire. As an adult, its okay to acknowledge the possibilities but in order to overcome any paralyzing fear that keeps you from stepping outside of your comfort zone; you will find it helpful to embrace that youthful part of yourself and your mind that imagines you still have the power to accomplish what your heart desires.


I'm too old. I'm too fat. I can't, the kids need me too much. I don't have enough money. I work long hours. I don't know anyone that can help me. I didn't get a degree in that. Pick your favorite. Then throw it out the window because the excuses as to why you have not continued to make your life a better place to be, are of no use to you. You are more than likely an individual who has accomplished quite a bit in your life. And now you are ready to move on to experiencing something that will bring a gust of fresh air into your existence. Its time to re-declare what you feel you are here to do and what you want. Its time to re-discover and re-declare what gifts you have to share with others. Its time to do your research to find new and innovative ways that you are able to utilize your natural talents and abilities.


Do you feel like there is a little man chasing you with a stopwatch, constantly reminding you that you are running out of time? In the early part of our lives, it seemed like we had forever to do what we needed to do. Now there is a different sense that many experience, of not being able to accomplish what is needed before they reach a certain age. What is interesting is that the fixation on time and the idea of running out of it, actually works against us and we end up doing significantly less. Try to remember a point in your life when you were not so restricted by timelines. You went to elementary school everyday - not so much doing the work because you were worried about graduating - but because you knew it was something you needed to do. And besides, there were many great experiences to be had and people you liked were there. Its important to take the same approach as you move through the various projects, professional obligations and personal goals at this point in life too.


Stop being so hard on yourself. The people will already be critical enough of you, they don't need your help. Somebody has to be in your corner, believing in you, cheering you on... it may as well be YOU! We spend so much time thinking about the should have, could have and would have; that we often forget that we still should, can and probably will - just as soon as we uninvite ourselves from our personal pity party. It takes just as much energy to tell yourself that you need to lose weight as it does to tell yourself that you are looking and feeling good at this age. Choose the latter, you'll love yourself more for it... literally.


I didn't suggest that you become a rock star. That could be time consuming and you have more important things to do, I realize. I simply suggest that you affirm that you are a rock star. Think about when you were a child. Do you remember what it used to feel like when you imagined that you had manifested all of your glory? Do you remember what you always thought you would grow up to be? Someone wonderful, loved and powerful. Its not too late, but first you will have to change your perception of who you are now.

There is nothing wrong with adopting the mentality that you are great. There is nothing wrong with feeling good about yourself and having a self-assured personality. When you stand in front of a group of people and have to give presentations or even in general conversations where all eyes are on you... don't shrink and become insecure. On the contrary, make it your show! Love yourself and project that love and others will love you too. Exuding confidence is contagious and those you interact with will believe in your words and vision the same way you do.


Dig deep and find that "S" emblem that you used to wear on your chest. Supermen and Superwomen must rediscover themselves through the eyes of their childhood. Only from this place will there be a rejuvenation of the pure hope and uncut faith that is needed to reach the new goals that you will begin setting for yourself. Move forward with the idea that what you want is already a part of your destiny; and all you must do is travel the path to reach your fortunate future. Start the journey now.

Part II coming soon!

Peace, Love & Success! C. Latrice | Fortunate Future Network

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