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Work From Home With a Home Based Business Online and Fail Your Way to a Million Dollars

Failure is your best option and using it as a tool can make you a success on the internet. At first glance you might look at the title of this article and say I have heard it all before. My question is were you listening. If not then that is the wrong kind of failure. When I say, "failure is your best option" I am talking about the result you get from your efforts and not the avoidance of getting involved. To some degree that latter can be very dangerous.

Statistically you have to fail first in order to succeed later. So if at this point you have not had any success in your life worth talking about I would say then that you have stored up a wealth of experience, so lets go and learn from your life's lessons.

You Did It Before You Can Do It Again

I would not expect you to remember what it was like as an infant to learn how to walk. I am sure though that you have seen either your own child or someone else's child attempt and succeed at it. In life we have been students of how failure leads to success countless times. In this article I am going to show you how to use your past experiences to help you to succeed now. Let's get started.

Lets start by keeping score of your success's and failures. We used to do this in grade school everyday. The ultimate goal then was to get a 100% on your work assignments. Where I grew up the minimum passing grade was 70% anything below that meant you failed. Now imagine getting a grade like in school on the work you do with your home-based business online. Where would you be at the end of the day? Lets analyze this.

What Every Goal Needs

The first thing to do is to set your income goal and put an end date to it. What ever you do don't make your end date an expression like, "I'll do this in 30 days". You need a real date like September 3, 2009. Your date is what drives you, without it you might as well go to sleep. Just about everyone I meet says that they don't need to become a millionaire if only they could make a six-figure income they would be happy. Well today your goal is to make a million dollars. That goal is my gift to you. Here is how it works.

You know just as well as I do that for the average person reaching a goal of a million dollar income is unrealistic. But that is why this concept works so well. So lets say you failed your million-dollar goal by 50% would you really be upset if you walked away with $500,000. I don't think so. Let say that instead of failing your goal like a test in school by 50% you fail it by 90%. Tell me would a $100,000 income make you feel sad. My point is like walking you have to aim high. If you set your goal too low your failure can create serious problems considering that we are failing our way to success.

Your Money Is Coming

I see all of the time "Work From Home With A Home Based Business Online" offers telling people that they can earn $200 or $500 a month. I mean where do you go from there if you fail this opportunity by 50% or 90%. So setting your income goal high is like having a security blank. If you fall then you have a net to catch you. Without this you fail and the game is over.

So to sum it all up to be a success you need to know how to respond to failure. Quitting should never be an option. Failure is a tool to be used to help us reach our goals. When you stop and think about it you failed your way through school and you can failure your way to success in your home based business online.

Experience has taught me that I can have fun failing. I have learned in my own home-based business online to be patient and to keep working. The end result is always success. It did not take me 20 years to figure that out if just took me 20 years to enjoy it until now.

Written by Marvin Kane. You can learn more about how to achieve incredible results for yourself. As a work from home marketer with over 20 years experience I inspire people to find out what it is like to earn $30,000 in 30 days.

Simply visit my website for the details.

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