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Separating Work From Work at Home

In order to work from home effectively, you will need to establish some limits or rules which you, your family and friends can live with. You and only you can decide what it takes for the perfect balance. When those balance scales tip in either direction, you are going to be facing problems you might not have been prepared to deal with. Here are some tips for helping to keep the balance in your business and your home.

Work Schedule

Being self employed gives us the opportunity to work flexible hours and set our own hours, however you must also remain disciplined enough to spend the time necessary to make your business go. You can't expect to just set up shop and then walk away from it. Any new business requires 2 to 4 years of hard work before you can begin enjoying the benefits of being a business owner. On the other hand, you can't work constantly and not expect your family to end up resenting you for it.

- Set up a schedule for yourself that will not be too stressful. If you don't follow a set schedule, you could be adding additional stress to your life instead of avoiding it by working for yourself. Be sure to allow yourself time for family, exercise, play and business. You'll find that by using an appointment calendar, you can easily plan for activities without cutting any area short.

- Working from home allows you to work late into the evening. This could cause work "burnout", so be sure to make up a realistic schedule and stick to it. Symptoms of burnout include lack of energy, unhappiness with your business, poor job performance, isolation, negativity and increased illness. Take time for yourself as well as your business.


Keeping your home in order when you have a home office can be difficult. If you're a tidy person, you probably won't be able to just walk past those dirty dishes in the sink or that pile of laundry screaming your name during your work hours. Resisting the urge to clean up is a "learned response". It sometimes takes practice to be able to step over the toys lying in the hallway instead of picking them up and putting them in the kids' rooms. If you can't learn to do this, you will probably have a difficult time concentrating on your business because housework never gets done and stays that way.

This would be a good time to get your kids involved in the household chores. Try using a weekly Chore Chart. On the left side of our chore chart, write a list of things that the kids can handle doing on their own; cleaning their room, feeding the dog, taking out the garbage etc. Provide blank spaces for additional chores the kids do on their own without being asked. Each evening the kids check off which chores they completed and at the end of the week, tally up marks and hand out allowances. Plan on using some of your free time in the evenings or weekends for handling the work that can't or doesn't get done.


When you work out of your home, you need to make special considerations with your family and pets in relation to customers in your home.

- Make certain your children know that your work space is off limits to them. Your office equipment, files and supplies are an important part of your business and should not left lying around the house. If your office is in a separate area of your home, teach your children to knock on the door, especially if your door is closed.

- Be sure to let everyone know your office hours to minimize unexpected drop-ins during your work or personal time. Having a neighbor drop in for coffee while you're servicing a customer or holding an important business meeting looks unprofessional, not to mention it could be embarrassing for you.

- If you have pets in your home, try to keep them out of the area where you are working. Some people have allergies and others simply don't like animals. If you are expecting a client to visit your home office, make sure your dog or cat is kept away from them.

Simple scheduling can make a big difference when you work at home. By finding the perfect balance between work and family, you'll find that you are much more productive in your home business and your family will be a lot easier to get along with.

Kim Haas is a WAHM and Founder of, a popular online networking community focusing on working from home and women in business and owner of To learn more about Kim, visit
Copyright 2005 Kim Haas

The bane of searching for a work at home job is avoiding all the scams. They're so prevalent that finding a real opportunity is a pretty long search for most people.

Ever wonder why so many scams thrive? There are a few reasons.

1. Affiliate programs.

Not all affiliate programs are bad, not by a long shot. Many sell physical products, such as in Amazon's Associate program.

But the trouble comes in when dishonest affiliates recommend a dishonest program. Sure they're making a bit of money... selling to you the same report that got them started, recommending that you sell the same report to new people.

It's the online variation of the old envelope stuffing routine.

This is why you have to be so careful about when you see a product being enthusiastically recommended by many people. Some won't have even bought and/or used the product themselves. They're recommending it based on the sales copy and the desire for a quick buck.

2. Name changes.

Things move fast online. It takes less than $10 at most registrars to buy a new domain name. That makes it very easy for a scam to just change names and keep going anytime the old name starts to develop a really bad reputation. It also means it's very hard to catch the owners.

3. The Internet is international.

When you're dealing with an online business, you often don't know where they're located. A physical address could be nothing more than a P.O. Box. While some use these to keep their home address private, others use it to keep the real location of their business secret.

As you can see, motivation makes a big difference there. If you're running a home business there's nothing wrong with wanting to keep your home address out of it, but other reasons for a P.O. Box can be less honest.

The international aspects of the Internet are some of its greatest delights, but also its greatest challenges. You can interact with people from around the world. But that also means that if someone is running a scam from elsewhere in the world there is little to be done about it.

What Can Be Done?

To avoid online work at home scams your best protection is education and research.

Educate yourself about what a scam looks like. With name changes so easy to make you cannot just rely upon a lack of negative reports. Study up on the signs of a work at home scam, especially in the areas you are interested in working in.

But even in areas that have legitimate opportunities there can be scams mixed in. This is where research comes in. Check out the company. Typing their name into your favorite search engine can help, but you need to do more than that to really protect yourself. The name alone may get nothing more than the enthusiastic affiliates that are promoting products they don't really understand.

The BBB is not always a help. Too often they have no information or the business has cleared up those negatives reported to the BBB. Check on sites dedicated to scams or to working at home and ask for opinions.

If You Do Get Scammed

Don't let the scammers win if you do fall for a scam. Report what happened to the FTC, your state's Attorney General, the BBB and the site where you learned about the scam. The FTC can do nothing about a scam without complaints about it. Same for the rest.

Stephanie Foster runs as a resource for people who want to work at home. Learn more about spotting work at home scams at her site and sign up for the free newsletter.

Work at Home Business

With gas prices soon to hit over $5.00 a gallon, working from home sounds better and better. If you are looking to work at home there has never been a better time then now. Soon it will cost more to get to work and back everyday then you make in a day. But, if you worked from home you would never have to drive to work again. Just wake up, put your pajamas on and walk into your office.

There are many work from home businesses. Wether your looking for a business to start or are already in one, there is a way to make a large income for you. If you are looking for a business, I can help you with that and further help you make it grow. Most work at home businesses have you on your feet the whole time. Looking for anyone who wants to join your business. Doing so gets tiring and is annoying to a lot of people. There is such a way of working from home that will allow you to generate prospects, just by using your computer. The way a work at home business should be done.

With the new model of network marketing prospect generation you can grow any business.

Home based or not you can use this training to grow your business. I love working from home. I am still young and doing my work at home allows me to still be a young adult, and live life. For me, working from home allows me to have fun at a young age, while still getting a nice income every month. Now, for someone who has a family working at home is very important. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go to every one of your kids soccer games? Or how about every dance, band concert, Ect. My upline has kids. He works from home at his own pace. He has not missed any of his kids soccer games, Ect, in three years. If you have kids I imagine this would mean the world to you. If any of this sounds nice to you then great because you can make it happen.

So as you can see there are a lot of perks about being able to work at home. I have only named a few of them. With families, gas prices, no time, being able to work at home is one of best things that could happen to you. Plus, now is the time more then ever because people will be searching for what you have to offer them. They too are tired of gas prices and want to spend more time with their kids. This means more people to join your business getting you more money.

If you are serious about being able to work at home then I can help you. For further information check out Internet Business Training Program This site can help train you on how to grow that business of yours. If you are looking for a business to start, Check out My Business

Work at Home Moms Get Rid of Money Problems

Work at home moms are commonplace in today's culture. There are plenty of women with children who want to work from home, but often don't know how to get started. Or perhaps they have tried to, but had a bad experience with being scammed through making an unwise choice of program. It doesn't have to be that way. Work at home moms deserve the same chances as the rest of us, and they can get them too.

Work at home moms with young children will have to do a lot of juggling. Children below kindergarten age can be a handful. They demand a lot of attention, and unless there is someone else, such a grandmother, who can look after them during the day, work at home moms will just have to juggle between work and play as best they can.

The Internet has become the favorite place for work at home moms seeking jobs. It is still quite possible to work at home doing other things that don't involve computers, but envelope stuffing and kit assembly jobs are usually scams. Other things might work, but why bother when there is so many better things work at home moms can do.

Most work at home moms start with something easy and profitable. Perhaps the best choice in this respect are paid surveys. This is where market research companies pay you to take a survey about any number of things. In exchange for your considered opinion, they will reward you. It could be a monetary reward, or it could be in the form of a prize. Either way you win.

Paid surveys can be on a wide range of topics. When you join one of reputable paid survey sites you will give them demographic details about yourself. This will be things like your age, your location, your gender - the usual stuff. From this information the company will decide which of the many surveys you are suitable for, and when one comes up you will be informed.

If you are offered to the chance to take a survey it could be about anything. You might be asked to review a movie. They may ask for your shopping habits, your preference in soft drinks, the last time you went out for dinner, the driving habits of your household - in short, it could be anything that gives the company a better idea of how to serve its customers. That's what it is all about - market research and you are the guinea pig being researched.

Of course, paid surveys are not the only way that work at home moms can make a living. There are any number of lucrative programs that will reward you. Often they are affiliate programs and you collect a commission for each successful sale made. This involves promoting the merchant's website, but that isn't too difficult these days, and can be done at no cost as well.

Work at home moms have never had it better. The opportunities available are many and excellent. There are real chances to become successful and earn a good income for the family. This is a very good time to get started.

The author is a work at home business owner. His Earn Money Working From Home website is designed to give you the information you need to start working from home.

Research Work From Home Program

Truly there are multiple ways to generate an income via the internet. There are many business opportunities out there for you to choose from. The key, if you are considering working via the internet and you are new to the internet world, is to do the "research".

Of course there are many companies now who have discovered that virtual offices are very cost effective and allow their "employees" to telecommute or work remotely from home or elsewhere. But, if your desire is to work your own hours, at your own convenience and not report to any one other than yourself, you will definitely want to do the "research" to be sure you do not invest your money and/or time with no hope of monetary reward or return.

The internet is a virtual international network of computers that is growing by the minute. Anyone can create a website and sell a product or opportunity. THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY!!! Many people use the internet in a negative way to make a profit for themselves and promote it as a business opportunity, but that does not mean that it will have a benefit for you.

I spent months researching business "opportunities" on the internet. I found so many that sounded so promising, just to find out they were either scams or business opportunities that were not what they initially seemed to be. I finally discovered that by searching on"Google", "Yahoo", "MSN", or any search engine that you prefer, and including the word"scam" along with the name of the business opportunity or the person associated with the business opportunity, that I was presented with a wealth of information. I could then read and research with confidence.

To succeed in the internet business world takes patience, time and perseverance along with hard work. Once you have done the research and found the internet business that interests you, it can be a lot of fun and potentially very profitable.

You can get involved in affiliate marketing, article writing, editing, blogging, or even creating your own product for marketing. Be sure that you get involved in something you are truly interested in. The more interest you have, the more likely you are to put in the time and effort needed to generate the income. Find your niche. Maybe you are interested in traveling, or child care, or pets. Maybe your interest involves boating or skiing, or health care or alternative medicine, or possibly sales. There are an infinite number of subjects that you can choose from and a variety of ways to market them via the internet and you do not need to be an expert.

Remember, your time is very valuable. Use it wisely by doing the research first. This will save you time and possibly money down the road. It will definitely save a a large amount of frustration.
The wonderful thing about all of this is that you can create your own or benefit from one of the awesome free on line business models available where you simply promote their products.
No matter what you choose, remember that you must first "research it completely" and then be assured that it is something you have a true interest in. Be sure to educate yourself completely regarding how the opportunity works, and what you need to do to generate and income and get PAID. After all that is the goal. Then......GO FOR IT!!!!!!!! It can truly be a lot of fun and profitable. Good luck.

SZYBER has been doing research to find legitimate internet business opportunities. You can learn more by visiting my blog.

Failure is your best option and using it as a tool can make you a success on the internet. At first glance you might look at the title of this article and say I have heard it all before. My question is were you listening. If not then that is the wrong kind of failure. When I say, "failure is your best option" I am talking about the result you get from your efforts and not the avoidance of getting involved. To some degree that latter can be very dangerous.

Statistically you have to fail first in order to succeed later. So if at this point you have not had any success in your life worth talking about I would say then that you have stored up a wealth of experience, so lets go and learn from your life's lessons.

You Did It Before You Can Do It Again

I would not expect you to remember what it was like as an infant to learn how to walk. I am sure though that you have seen either your own child or someone else's child attempt and succeed at it. In life we have been students of how failure leads to success countless times. In this article I am going to show you how to use your past experiences to help you to succeed now. Let's get started.

Lets start by keeping score of your success's and failures. We used to do this in grade school everyday. The ultimate goal then was to get a 100% on your work assignments. Where I grew up the minimum passing grade was 70% anything below that meant you failed. Now imagine getting a grade like in school on the work you do with your home-based business online. Where would you be at the end of the day? Lets analyze this.

What Every Goal Needs

The first thing to do is to set your income goal and put an end date to it. What ever you do don't make your end date an expression like, "I'll do this in 30 days". You need a real date like September 3, 2009. Your date is what drives you, without it you might as well go to sleep. Just about everyone I meet says that they don't need to become a millionaire if only they could make a six-figure income they would be happy. Well today your goal is to make a million dollars. That goal is my gift to you. Here is how it works.

You know just as well as I do that for the average person reaching a goal of a million dollar income is unrealistic. But that is why this concept works so well. So lets say you failed your million-dollar goal by 50% would you really be upset if you walked away with $500,000. I don't think so. Let say that instead of failing your goal like a test in school by 50% you fail it by 90%. Tell me would a $100,000 income make you feel sad. My point is like walking you have to aim high. If you set your goal too low your failure can create serious problems considering that we are failing our way to success.

Your Money Is Coming

I see all of the time "Work From Home With A Home Based Business Online" offers telling people that they can earn $200 or $500 a month. I mean where do you go from there if you fail this opportunity by 50% or 90%. So setting your income goal high is like having a security blank. If you fall then you have a net to catch you. Without this you fail and the game is over.

So to sum it all up to be a success you need to know how to respond to failure. Quitting should never be an option. Failure is a tool to be used to help us reach our goals. When you stop and think about it you failed your way through school and you can failure your way to success in your home based business online.

Experience has taught me that I can have fun failing. I have learned in my own home-based business online to be patient and to keep working. The end result is always success. It did not take me 20 years to figure that out if just took me 20 years to enjoy it until now.

Written by Marvin Kane. You can learn more about how to achieve incredible results for yourself. As a work from home marketer with over 20 years experience I inspire people to find out what it is like to earn $30,000 in 30 days.

Simply visit my website for the details.

Get A FREE copy of "Maximum Profits From Minimum Ads" ($30 Value Yours FREE)

Work From Home MLM Tips

Many people are leaving corporate America the last years making the passage to a home business with all the promises and risks that such a move may bear. Many of them end becoming distributors in MLM companies as they offer an attractive business model with plenty of training and support. But working from home has its own pitfalls that if someone doesn't avoid them is difficult to stay focused and produce results that would make his business endeavor successful.

When you work for yourself with no one above you to check you, it is easy to lose control of yourself and start procrastinating and postpone things that you don't feel you are in the right mood to perform them at that time. Unfortunately, such things may be necessary and important to your network marketing business. You may be leaving things for the right tomorrow that when may eventually come it would be too late for making any difference to the success of your business.

If you want to avoid such situations and stop yourself from sabotaging your chances to succeed and your performance, which can hurt your work from home MLM business seriously, you have to follow the next two tips that can bring some discipline to your entrepreneurial life and your start-up.

1. Make a Schedule

A schedule can keep you accountable to yourself and if you get often to the habit of skipping things that you don't feel at doing, you can see on paper at the end of the week how productive or not you were. That can give you a nice shock if you were not serious and you were just wasting your precious time on irrelevant things, like surfing the web too much.

2. Physical Activity

Exercise can help you fill your body with energy and become self-disciplined. That way you would also see your efficiency and productivity skyrocket and you would be able to do more things in less time. When you work at home whether for a network marketing or any other business opportunity it is very easy to leave yourself to get too lax and lazy. Mild exercise can help you avoid that state of becoming a passive coach-potato with no energy for work or enjoying life.

Tips for your Work From Home MLM business that can keep you focused and help you succeed.

If you're considering working from home, you know that getting started can be overwhelming. It's difficult to find the work at home business opportunity for you, and once you have, it's even harder to know if it is legitimate. You want to work at home, but you don't want to become the victim of a scam and wind up losing your hard earned money. This article will show you how to find legitimate work at home business opportunities, so that you can begin your work at home career.

One work at home business opportunity is to work for a call center. Many call centers are hiring work at home parents to take calls from their homes. To take advantage of this opportunity, you must have a computer and a landline home phone, in most cases. Working from home for a call center would involve a shift of several hours, answering the phone and taking orders or performing customer service duties.

Another work at home business opportunity to consider is going into business for yourself. Starting your own business can be an extremely profitable venture, and a great business opportunity. If you have an idea that works, and possess some basic web design skill, this may be the option for you. Depending on whether you plan to offer goods or services, this work at home business opportunity could require some start up capital, so be prepared.

If you know how to use eBay or other auction sites, you may be able to turn your knowledge into a great business. Many work at home parents make a good part time or full time income by purchasing items at thrift stores, auctions, and yard sales and then selling them on auction sites for a profit. Auction sites offer guides for beginners, and you can get started with this type of home business opportunity without investing much money. If you have basic computer skills and a digital camera, this may be the work at home business opportunity for you.

Working from home can be a great way to earn money while spending more time with your family. When researching work at home business opportunities, avoid any type of program that requires you to pay money to sign up or receive information. Instead, devote your time and hard earned money to legitimate work at home business opportunities that will earn you an excellent return on your investment. Soon you'll be a full or part time work at home parent, enjoying the schedule and lifestyle you've been dreaming of.

Rebekah Bono is an expert in the work at home field. She is author of The Best Work At Home Resource Guide.