Artificial Intelligence

Gospel Perversion

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Galatians 1:6-7

Truth concerning salvation is of the highest importance. If you miss this, anything and everything else you might believe or do in the religious realm is pointless. The Galatians had been led away from the central truth of the Gospel. False teachers had come in who were teaching that a person had to keep the Jewish ceremonial law (as well as the moral law) to be saved. Paul could not have been more severe in his renunciation of this false Gospel. Listen to him rebuke those who would teach such heresy.

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." KJV Galatians 1:8-9

Damnation on all who preach any other gospel? That is a hard saying and yet that is the very indication of the importance Paul (and the Holy Spirit) put on the purity of the Gospel message. But believe it or not, a false gospel as malignant as any Paul faced is being spread among Evangelicals today. It uses biblical language. It boasts extravagant success. It is so close to the truth that its insidious false teaching is hardly noticeable. It is advocated in schools of higher learning and practiced by many of the highest profile Christian leaders in our generation. It has been accepted by multitudes as orthodox Christian teaching, which means that it is being taught, practiced and defended with a burning passion. Yet, with serpentine ferocity, this teaching has turned to bite the very ones who are defending it. I am talking about the doctrine of easy-believism.

Easy-believism is a gospel that leaves man intact. He is never brought before the bar of God's righteous judgment. He never sees himself as an offense to God. He is required to do one little act...pray a simple prayer... and this one little act is said to save him forever.

Multitudes have made professions of faith in Christ by this method who show no evidence of genuine salvation. The number of those who fall away after professing Christ is phenomenally high. Though some may become involved in church activities, many who have professed Christ through this method never enter a church of any description. Others attend church only spasmodically.

Jim Ellif has documented this problem in the Southern Baptist denomination. Quoting from the Strategic Information and Planning department of the Sunday School Board (2004 statistics), he says that out of a little over sixteen million members of Southern Baptists churches, only about six million people, including guests and non-member children, attend the Sunday morning worship services on any given Sunday. That is about thirty seven percent of the total membership attending the main worship service of their church. The numbers are even worse when one considers the evening worship services. Eliff says, "In 1996, the last time the SBC kept these statistics, the number of Sunday evening attenders was equal to only 12.3% of the membership (in churches that had an evening meeting)." Eliff goes on to say:

"One might ask what makes us claim that the rest are Christians, if they involve themselves with God's people only on such a minimal, surface level? How are they any different from the people who attend the liberal church down the street-the "church" where the gospel is not even preached?" ( accessed April 24, 2006.)

In a diverse survey among many who professed faith in God, George Barna found a profound disconnect between what people thought about their own spiritual condition and their true priorities. He said:

"It is popular to claim to be part of a 'faith community' or to have a spiritual commitment. But what do Americans mean when they claim to be 'spiritual?' The recent Grammy awards were perhaps indicative of this breakdown between self-perception and reality. The members of the group that won the award for best song thanked God for the victory then immediately followed with profanities that had to be bleeped from the broadcast. It seems as if God is in, but living for God is not. Many Americans are living a dual life - one filled with good feelings about God and faith, corroborated by some simple religious practices, and another in which they believe they are in control of their own destiny and operate apart from Him." ( accessed April 24,2006.)

As I write these words I am looking at the May 2, 2006 issue of the Western Recorder (the state news paper for Kentucky Southern Baptists). The lead article is entitled "Most people tell poll they don't need church for spiritual growth." Quoting George Barna the article states that ". . . fewer than 20 percent of American adults believe participation in a congregation is critical to spiritual growth. Barna goes on to say that 72 percent of Americans claim they personally have committed themselves to Jesus Christ, but less than 50 percent attend religious services regularly. (Western Recorder, May 2, 2006, ABP article on file.)

My question is, what would cause people to profess Christ and yet leave them with no desire to meet with their brethren? What would cause people to say with their lips that they love God but leave them living lives which show that they are fleshly minded and interested only in worldly things. What kind of doctrine is it that encourages people to pray the prayer and walk the aisle and calls them Christian, even though they live the exact same lifestyle they lived before their professed conversion? It is the doctrine of easy-believism. It is a method that inadvertently changes the very essence of the Gospel message to a false gospel of human works. It is gospel perversion at its worst.

Check out Michael Morrow's new book to get resources on "How To Study The Bible (Even though you don't know Hebrew or Greek)" go to http://www.The-Christian-Resource-Page.Com

Downloads For iPhones 101

Are you like millions of users who are looking for downloads for iPhones online? Find out more here.

The iPhone is one of the most popular tech gadgets in the entire world after the successful iPod. Apple seems to be able to come up with one successful product after another. Both a phone and an iPod, you can also get online using this gadget. Many websites today also offer a wide variety of downloads for iPhones meant for surfing, business, news, weather, sports and music.

What are some of the useful downloads for your iPhone?

The gadget is both a MP3 and a MP4 player. You can listen to music or watch a video. As such, you can always install movie and video viewers on it. Organize digital photograph albums using special software and so on.

It works well as a mini personal digital assistant. Accountants or financial planners can use it to handle financial calculations, or use the fund management software to organize their investments. You can also arrange your schedule and organize your work and partying life.

Those who are hooked onto Facebook or other social networking mediums can easily run the web applications. Chit chat with friends using MSN or Yahoo Messenger-like applications. Or tune to radio or watch the news on the web.

How to get quality downloads for iPhones?

Naturally, you can find some of them at iTunes. However, I checked it out and found that it is quite limited in selection. You can always make use of mainstream download services like Rhapsody, Sony and Amazon if you are looking for music and movies.

There are tons of other smaller sites that serve specific needs. You can find video editing and viewing software, photograph arrangement applications, or even software for business and finance, accounting, and web-based applications for browsing and texting.

The next place to search will be the paid membership sites. Simply pay a single fee and you get a lifetime membership to access their site for unlimited downloads for iPhones. Whether it is song, music, movies, TV shows, games, software or even ringtones, you will be able to find them there.

Get your iPhone music, videos, movies and games from the cheapest and most popular iPhone download sites.

High Gas Prices - What Can We Really Do About It?

With the price of oil going through the roof, I've had several friends ask me recently what we can do about the high price of gas. Unfortunately, we may not be able to do much about high gas prices, but we can all change a few small habits that added up together allow us to save a significant amount on gas.

First of all, I'm not going to talk about doing things like buying a hybrid vehicle because I don't believe most of us have an extra $17,000 to $23,000 in cash just lying around waiting for us to invest it in a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. So here are some down to earth low or no cost things you can do to save money on gas and make your trips to the pump fewer and farther between, regardless of what type of vehicle you drive:

1. Pay for gas with a credit card that gives you cash back. Chase, Discover, and American Express all have cards that pay you cash back on your gas purchases (and you can earn up to 5% cash back depending on the card you use). Other cards like Citi pay you cash back on every purchase, but you'll get a smaller percent back.

2. Use synthetic motor oil. This can save you up to 5% on gas.

3. Keep your vehicle's tires properly inflated. Check the tire pressure every time you fill up for gas. Doing so is safer and gives you better control of your vehicle, saves wear and tear on your tires so they last longer, and saves you about 3% on gas. Keep in mind that even the best tubeless tires on the market today lose 2%-5% of their air pressure each month from air naturally migrating through the rubber.

4. Locate a gas station with cheap prices that is on your daily commute route or near where you live and fill up there. Where I live in Phoenix, Arizona prices vary as much as 5% between discount gas stations and name brand stations. Better yet, buy gas at warehouse stores like Costco or Sam's Club. This will typically save you 2%-3% on gas over discount stations.

5. Remove items you don't need to have with you from your vehicle. Hauling that extra weight around costs more gas.

6. Drive more moderately--reduce rapid acceleration and braking. This will also save wear and tear on your brakes so they'll last longer and you won't need to replace your brake pads and shoes as often.

7. Whenever possible, drive during non-rush hours when there's less traffic. You'll save money on gas and your commute will take less time, too.

8. If your job allows it, telecommute to work one day a week or more. More and more companies are allowing telecommuting, and telecommuters are often more productive than office workers. Telecommuting costs less for employers and when the work is done from home, managers judge the effort by the end result and not how the work was done, or perceived to be done (have you ever had co-workers that looked busy but weren't really that productive?). Here's an informative article on Telecommuting as a True Workplace Alternative. Telecommuting just one day a week could save you 20% on gas.

9. Give your car a tune up if it's due for one. A tuned engine uses less gas.

10. Whenever possible, plan your driving to be efficient and run several errands at once.

11. Avoid drive-thrus and wasting gas while your car is idling. Park your car outside and walk in for transactions at the bank, fast food restaurants, and so on. One added benefit is the exercise you'll get (assuming, of course, it's not raining cats and dogs out and you don't have to walk through 3 foot snow drifts to do this).

12. Walk, ride a bicycle or carpool whenever you can, or take public transportation. If you have public transportation available to you, taking the local bus is not only economical, but less stressful because you don't have to navigate through rush hour traffic. During the ride, you can just hang out and relax and listen to some music on your MP3 player, call or text message anybody very safely, read a newspaper or book, or fire up your laptop and get some work done on the way.

In summary, what can we do about high gas prices? We can be frugal and smart about how much gas we use, change a few of our habits, and make sure we get the most bang for our hard-earned buck! The average American uses 500 gallons of gas every year. Implement the tips in this article and you can save 16%-36% on what you spend on gas. At $3.50 per gallon, that's an annual savings of at least $280 and as much as $630!

Mark Minks is the founder of MoneyJibe Personal Finance, a website that offers money saving tips, money making ideas, and free online coupons, coupon codes and promotional codes for,, and other highly respected online shopping sites.

Become an Affiliate - Earn Money Easily

How to become an affiliate

It's rather easy. Most businesses are looking for affiliates and welcome them eagerly. The best part is that program masters have no limit really to how many affiliates they'd want to take on. So you're never too late to start. Here's what you need to get started.

Step 1: You need a website. This seems very obvious. However, it might not be a great idea to get a website just in order to become an affiliate. Although there is nothing wrong or illegal with this, look at it like this: By becoming an affiliate, you're promoting somebody else's product or service. In order that your promotion be affective to at least some extent, your website needs to have some kind of credibility on its own first. And whether you believe it or not - visitors will usually be able to discern quite easily whether you're just out here to 'affiliate' or you actually have a serious business. In short: Your website must have a purpose of its own, and not just further some other website's purpose.

Step 2: Find an affiliate program that matches your website. This will increase your chances of bringing in visitors who will actually make you money. So if your website is about photography, become an affiliate of a website that sells cameras online. Or rather link your visitors directly to the concerned product on a website. This has two advantages: 1. It at least gives you some assurance that your visitors will mostly visit the program master's website. 2. It adds some value to your website for your regular visitors

Step 3: Narrow it down to a few websites whose programs you like. Now sign up as an affiliate (this just requires filling up a form). You will be required to put up a link or display a banner on your website. This is provider by the program owner. After this, it's up to you to make whatever efforts to get visitors to click on the link and at least visit the site. You could do this by reviewing the product or service, giving it a write up, etc.

How to find a program?
That's pretty easy. Just type 'affiliate marketing programs' or 'affiliate marketing directories' in any search engine and you will get a list of directories. These directories are websites that have lists of websites that can make you an affiliate. The websites are categorized based on what they deal in or what compensation model they follow.

Here are some examples of what really popular affiliate programs have to offer-
Amazon's affiliate program is called the Amazon Associate program. Amazon offers its affiliates three options:

1. Links and Banners that they can put up on their website. These links could be to any product or page on Amazon

2. Widgets: These are mini applications that you could add to your website to make it more interactive and fun for your visitors. Widgets like Amazon mp3, deals widget, help make your website fun for your visitors and at the same time advertise Amazon to them as well.

3. aStore: This allows you to display any product available on Amazon in your own store, on your own website.

The best part is that associates can earn up to 15% as commission by bringing in referrals.

The eBay affiliate marketing program is known as the eBay Partner Network. They have a simple formula: Register -> Advertise -> Get Paid -> Optimize

eBay provides its affiliates with all the tools required to promote and drive traffic to eBay's partner websites (including Different programs exist for each country that eBay exists in. You have to choose according to your country and sign up. Signing up requires filling a simple form that asks for personal contact details as well as the details of your online business. After this you can use any of eBay offers you the following tools to drive traffic to their website:

1. Link Generator: Helps you create links to eBay webpages that can be traced to your website
2. Creatives: Place the logo on your website
3. Editor Kit: Allows you to add real time eBay listings of products that are relevant to your webpage
4. RSS Feed Generator: This allows affiliates to create RSS feeds of items on eBay. The feeds include traceable links to the items
5. API: This tool is for web developers, to give them access to the eBay listings database and also allow them to present the content in a format they like. The tool helps them create applications to do this.

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Have you noticed how many places in New York are now offering insurance products? It's crazy. Besides the myriad of online companies, you have your neighborhood agent, regional brokers offices and it has now reached the point to where even our supermarkets are peddling life, health and even auto policies.

With all of these options available to New Yorkers the choice of where to shop for perhaps the most important purchase of a lifetime is more confusing than ever. Before you make the leap one way or another here are some critical factors you need to consider.

1. Lowest Cost Consideration

You are being bombarded daily with marketing ploys to get your attention and get your wallet as well. You can't even turn on the TV without being pitched with an ad from some direct insurance company and even our inboxes are getting spammed from some less than reputable sources.

The fact is that marketing costs money and that money has to be covered with enough sales to create a profit for the company. This means that if you purchase your insurance from a company that is spending hordes of cash to get your attention then you are going to be paying more in premiums just to cover their advertising budget.

2. Broker Direct Quick Quotes

It is an undeniable fact that online insurance sites are a great way to find low cost quotes. The reason is that you are not getting quotes from just one source or agency, however deciphering what separates a good policy from a bad policy is often very difficult. If you are less than certain of your understanding of financial contracts then it may be wise to get a good broker on your side sift through insurance databases and get a great price on a policy that will serve your loved ones well. And it goes without saying that a broker can save hours of phone calls and inquiries

3. Live Help

One thing that most people fail to take into consideration is the ability to talk to a real live human being when things go wrong. It can be a very frustrating experience to be in a life crisis and have to wade through layer after layer of automated response phone services, or email based support.

Big insurers are choosing these automates services to lower their operating costs, but as a customer talking to someone in another country or battling through language barriers are not what we need when dealing with a critical topic like insurance.

If this is a consideration for you then an insurance broker may be the best option. They can offer a real voice to talk to who already understands your needs and can help you through confusion quickly and safely.

4. Insurance Budget Killers

What insurance savvy consumers know is that it is the extras that can destroy the benefits of a cheap quote. The fact is that most cheap insurance policies have hidden costs that are designed to get the profit ratios up to where they can pay for advertising costs.

One example is the add on legal cover that many companies try to sneak in and when you are looking over a dizzying array of numbers and legal jargon, it is quite easy to pass over these budget breaking extras. A good broker will sit you down, look you in the eye and discuss each section so that you understand exactly what you are getting and how much you are paying for the benefit.

Finding A Top Broker of Health and Life Insurance In NY

Find the best quotes from multiple top NY life insurance brokers and learn more about critical life insurance pitfalls Click

Protecting Your Expatriate Family

If you and your family relocate overseas, one of your first priorities from a financial planning point of view may very well be establishing health care.

Costs and services abroad can differ greatly to what you are accustomed to back home. Therefore its essential to make sure that you are fully covered.

Starting with straight health insurance for you and your family you may then need to consider both critical illness insurance and income protection. Making sure that you have the important insurances in place will afford you greater peace of mind coupled with greater security as a family.

Personal peace of mind will enable you to get on with enjoying your time abroad and allow you to concentrate on establishing long term financial freedom.

Health insurance

In terms of health insurance, its essential to make sure that you and your family are covered in your new country of residence and also when travelling.

Always make sure that you are comfortable with any restrictions or limitations of policies recommended to you, and any excess you may be liable for in the event of a claim.

Medical costs differ greatly around the world, as do the standards of treatment available. Find out what services are available in your country of residence, what your expatriate insurance covers you for, and always make sure that you have the option to repatriate in the event of an emergency.

There are so very many companies offering health insurance to expatriates in the marketplace today and all come with features, benefits, exclusions and exceptions.

I would recommend that you speak to a financial adviser to find out what your best options are depending on your personal needs and those of your family.

With something as precious and essential as your health are you prepared to accept second best?

Know whats available and be a smart buyer!

Critical illness insurance

Critical illness insurance can take away stress and financial strain if ever you are incapacitated through serious illness.

Financial expenditure and outgoings will not cease if you are taken ill: your ability to provide for your family will however cease. Critical illness insurance is designed to payout in the event that you are unable to work due to serious and ongoing illness.

Income protection insurance

Income protection insurance may also be available to you and of interest. This insurance is used to replace a percentage of your income if you are unable to work through injury or illness.

Life Insurance

As an expatriate living in a foreign country there are many uncertainties, upheavals, unknowns and concerns especially when it comes to fiscal matters.

Life insurance is one of the most important products when it comes to peace of mind. You want to protect your loved ones in the event of your death protect them financially and emotionally.

For your family to maintain the same standard of living in the event of your death you have to make sure that you have the correct type and level of life insurance.

The type of life insurance you need depends on what you want to achieve with your policy.

If you simply require insurance against your untimely death for the fixed number of years of your offsprings childhood for example, this can be arranged via level term life insurance.

Decreasing term insurance can be used to pay off a mortgage or other loan in the event of your death during the outstanding period of the loan.

Whole of life insurance is exactly as it sounds it covers your beneficiary in the event of your death whenever it occurs.

And annual renewable life insurance can be used by expatriates who wish to insure themselves one year at a time depending on their changing circumstances.

Life insurance policies are available for your whole family and are definitely something worth considering when it comes to financial peace of mind.

First steps

Whether you are a new expatriate, an expatriate in a new country, or an expatriate worried about the levels of insurance you have for your family, you shouldnt put off until tomorrow that which you can get done and dusted today!

Yes, insurance is boring!
But insurance does bring protection.
And protection brings peace of mind.

When it comes to financial and wealth management and making your money work harder for you and your family, the first step is to actually make sure your current position is secured.

We all know that we should have enough in the bank readily to hand to cover a rainy day or an emergency trip back home but at the same time we need to look out for ourselves and our family today as well as securing our future tomorrow.

Based on your country of residence, country of domicile, intention to remain or repatriate, and the needs and requirements you have, a financial adviser will be best placed to advise you when it comes to all your insurances and assurances.

Rhiannon Williamson is the publisher of - the online resource for expatriates, international investors and those dreaming of a new life abroad.

Shelter Offshore features three main channels - offshore investment, property investment abroad and overseas lifestyle.

Rhiannon Williamson also offers readers the chance to receive a free financial review or to improve their overall financial planning with The Offshore Advantage This free guide teaches readers how to build secure wealth using their secret offshore advantage.

Flood Insurance

There are many risks that people are accustomed to insuring against. These will include, health insurance, auto insurance and fire insurance. There are others that are less familiar, such as dental and flood insurance but there are many reasons why you should reassess the insurances you currently have in place and perhaps consider relocating them to cover the risks that you are most afraid of experiencing.

For example, did you know that losses due to floods are thirty times more likely to occur than fire losses? This is especially true if your home is located in a flood prone zone. While flood loss is generally less devastating than fire loss, if your home is located in a flood prone zone, the chance of even experiencing catastrophic damage is still 25% greater from flood than from fire.

Flood loss

Most basic home insurance policies do not automatically include flood loss as standard. Commercial property policies are the same, with flood loss only being covered if it is specifically mentioned in the policy. If the flood is extremely severe, it may be classified as a disaster site by the federal government. This will cause some protection to be made available in the form of loans. These loans, which come through the Federal Emergency Management Assistance program, are not like insurance however, as you are required to pay back the loan that they give you, as well as any other home loans you already have. They will also require you to carry flood insurance in the future. The other thing about the Federal Emergency Management Assistance program is that it only kicks in if your area and flood are declared a federal disaster site. This can be fairly rare when compared to the amount of floods that are experienced annually.

Flood insurance will be offered by various insurance companies but should be backed by the National Flood Insurance Program. This type of coverage, which is supported and regulated by the federal government, is the only type of flood insurance that will fully protect your home and contents from rising water flood insurance.

Shop Around

If you are considering taking out a policy of this kind, shop around for the best rate and find out what is covered and what is excluded. It may be that a specific companys exclusion is exactly the situation in which you require coverage and other companies may not have the same exclusion so you are wise to shop around. Also, all insurance companies vary in what they offer and what they charge. Do not accept the first offer or quote you receive and do not expect all companies to provide the same deals. You should always shop around when it comes to insurance and find yourself the best deal available.

Joseph Kenny is the webmaster of the insurance site where you will find information, news and links to the leading providers of home insurance in the UK.

Homeowner Mortgage Insurance Explained

There are varieties of reasons someone may fail to meet their mortgage payment. It could because of the death of the main wage earner in the family, or an injury or disability in the family that will cause them to default on the mortgage payment. Homeowner mortgage insurance is a guarantee that will ensure the lender of the mortgage against the potential risks that the borrower may default on the mortgage.

Basically, when the lender has mortgage insurance, they are sharing their risk with the insurance company in case the borrower is unable to pay back the money that they are loaned. Many people confuse homeowner mortgage insurance with homeowner mortgage life insurance.

Homeowner mortgage life insurance is meant for the protection of the borrower. In this case, let's say that the main wage earner in the family meets with an untimely death. What happens is the rest of the family is stuck with making the mortgage payment, and most often will not be able to meet it. In order to avoid this from happening, mortgage life insurance is purchased. Here, the insurance policy will cover the amount of the mortgage in case the main wage earner passes on.

However, homeowner mortgage insurance can be beneficial for homebuyers. Mainly this is because when the insurance company assumes risk, the homeowner will be more likely to qualify for a loan for the mortgage. This means that you can become a homeowner sooner, and have more buying power for purchasing a home. In many cases, if you go with a lender who is knows you have mortgage insurance, you will be able to pay a smaller down payment on your first home.

And, if you become a repeat buyer, then you will even have to put less money down, and also you will enjoy different tax advantages because of the amount of deductible interest you can file on your taxes.

In very real terms, homeowner mortgage insurance can save you 10% on your down payment. If the lender does not have mortgage insurance, they will generally require you to make a 20% down payment on a home. However, when a lender is ensured, the down payment can be as little as 5%, or around 10% even. Unfortunately, you will probably have to pay more for the mortgage insurance through premiums and annuals.

You can find out more about Homeowner Mortgage Insurance as well as more information on everything to do with Mortgage Insurance by going to

Travel Arrangements and Insurance

There are many different types of traveller. There are business men and women who are flying from one city to another for brief meetings, then there are families taking a two week holiday to the sun with young children, then there are students or gap year travellers who will be backpacking around exotic locations on extremely low budgets. There are really about as many different types of traveller as there are different types of person.

There are many different approaches you can take to booking your travel arrangements. Your main priority may be convenience, for example if you have a meeting near the airport you will need airport accommodation and little else, however, if you are travelling for pleasure, you are likely to have far less restrictions and will be willing to consider all types of arrangements. You can have these arranged for you by a travel agent or you could do it for yourself online. Or alternatively, you may wish to simply travel to a city or country with absolutely no plans and just see what happens when you get there.

On of the things you should always travel with is proper health and travel insurance. Obviously your requirements will again vary depending on what kind of travel you are undertaking. If you are travelling for business, full travel insurance that will provide you with alternative flights if yours is cancelled or delayed will be important. For most holiday travellers, this may not be quite as important. If you are travelling with children you may wish to consider it, but otherwise you may be quite flexible and tolerant if delays do occur. But you may be more worried about your luggage and belongings and wish to have good coverage for loss or damage to your property. All these options are available today with the various travel insurance companies that are operating in the market.

Generally speaking, you will always need health insurance when you travel. You cannot afford to take the risk that an accident or serious injury occurs and you do not have proper coverage. There are many parts of the word where free national health insurance is not provided and if you do require medical treatment, it will only be provided if you can pay for it. Particularly if you are travelling with children, you should always arrange adequate travel insurance with medical coverage. This is simply a risk that you do not want to be bearing yourself especially when the cost of travel insurance is so affordable.

Joseph Kenny is the webmaster of the insurance site where you will find information, news and links to the leading providers of travel insurance in the UK.

Finance a New Car - Tips From the Experts

Tip #1 - Shorter Is Better

If you have to finance a new car, shorter is better. As Peter Valdes-Dapena of CNNMoney points out,

There are serious downsides to this approach, though. Besides paying thousands more in interest, buyers taking out long car loans are more likely to find themselves in a financial bind if they need a new car again in just a few years. That could happen because of an accident or simply because a car owner is tempted by a newer model.

One way to avoid this potential problem is to have a larger down payment so you have a smaller amount to finance on a new car loan. Another safeguard is to take the shortest loan term for which you can handle the monthly payments.

Tip #2 - Financing First

According to the editors at, if you arrange financing before you go to the dealership, you are in a much stronger position to negotiate. This important step presents a number of advantages because it keeps negotiations simple in the dealership and allows you to shop competitive interest rates ahead of time. It also removes dependency on dealership financing and encourages you to stick to your budgeted amount.

Tip #3 - Comparison Shop

Shop around to get the best possible price on your new car. Check newspaper ads, dealer showrooms, and the Internet. Plan to negotiate as most dealers are willing to give a little from their profit marginusually between 10 and 20 percentto make the sale. If you dont find what you want at the neighborhood dealerships, consider ordering your new car. There are several reputable car-buying services online.

Learn more about how to Finance a New Car and get a complimentary loan quote at Auto Loans In Seconds. It is a no-risk way to discover how much you could be pre-qualified to borrow toward a new car.

Mike Hamel is the author of several books and online articles about auto financing. His material is featured on sites like Auto Loans In Seconds.

Gap Year Travel Insurance Help!

Taking a year out to go traveling? Make sure you have organised a travel insurance policy before you travel, the last thing you need is to spend all your hard saved money on unnecessary bills like medical expenses.

With no travel insurance such as a huge amount could mean having to re-mortgage or worse sell a house to cover the costs. Just a broken leg or some sickness abroad can cost a huge amount as medical expense. Roughly around 10,000 for a broken leg expense abroad. If you're a traveller taking time out for a Gap Year or extended time abroad, either travelling or working or even visiting distant relatives, Gap Year Travel Insurance helps you.

If you are a young traveller, looking out for a long vacation gap travel is the apt one for you. You can cover around 80 sporting activities such as scuba diving, winter sports and bungee jumping, some at additional cost. Go skiing, bungee jumping or any other sports activity with gap year travel package. Get insured at the most favourable rate, insurance for gap year travelling helps you choose the best travel insurance.

Also consider how you'll keep in contact with family and friends back home; most countries have internet cafes and phone cards to help you. Or you may decide to take a laptop and use wireless internet points which are usually available in hostels and guesthouses.

Be aware that some insurers may not cover for certain countries so it's worth doing a quote first, to get an idea of countries you will be covered for. A policy covering personal belongings and medical expenses is the bare minimum you should take out; one which will reimburse you for any further cancelled flights or other modes of transport is also a good idea.

Few tips when you travel abroad carry copies of visas, passports and medical records in a different place to the originals. Send such copies to family and friends before you leave, and even email them to yourself. Carry contact numbers and addresses of the British Embassies of each country you visit, so that in case you need it on an emergency you have it handy.

Get special cover on your backpacker insurance, these specialist policies can offer incentives that regular policies can't, including cover from three to eighteen months. Such backpacker travel insurance uk policies, also cover working overseas, which is usually necessary for an extended trip.

Kirthy Shetty, expert author, platinum status

Gap Year Travel Insurance online:

Gap Year Travel Insurance

Group Travel Insurance UK:

Group Travel Insurance

An Alternative and a Half

Commuters looking for a way to avoid the sweat-filled, jostling of journeying into work on the Underground, particularly in the hot summer months, are joining the hoards of people rushing out to buy bicycles and scooters. However, many are unaware of the fact that they could be making an even bigger saving than they first thought, as a number of employers now offer their workers the opportunity of paying half price for a bike if they are planning on using it to get to work.

July and August are the most popular months for buying bikes and with new Labour incentives to get the British people out of their cars and onto their feet in a bid to encourage a more healthy lifestyle, it has never been a better time to purchase a bike or to ensure that you choose the appropriate bike insurance cover. Before his reign as Prime Minister, Gordon Brown introduced the tax incentive scheme which works with businesses to reward employees wanting to cycle to work, in 1997 as part of the Green Travel Plan (GTP), which is only now receiving the publicity needed to make it an effective and viable idea.

Participating companies offer employees the choice of any bike they want, in addition to safety and security features, and issue their workers with a voucher that they can then use in the bike shop. Albeit the value of the voucher for the bike is deducted from the employee's salary, however this is carried out over a period of time which is agreed upon between the firm and employee. Moreover, as an additional benefit, the overall sum that is used for the purchase of the bike is tax free, and this also includes the National Insurance fee. Employers are not left out of the benefits, as they can reclaim the VAT on their employee's purchase.

Although the purpose of this scheme is to enable people to cycle to work, thus implying that if used for any other purpose the worker could face questions or a fine, in reality no one will be monitoring the usage but there is the assumption that the cyclist will endeavour to support the scheme by using the bike for travel to and from the workplace. Moreover, in light of the fact that the majority of workers will require some part of their commute to be taken on public transport there has been a significant increase in the sale of foldable cycles. The average price for these bicycles is around 450 to 500 but they can be easily stowed in order to carry on buses and trains and can be stored close by during working hours.

What is important to remember is that even though workers will only be charged half price for their bike they must still insure it at its regular retail value in order to obtain the best cover against theft. The additional price of insuring your bike, if its not included in your home contents cover, can be anywhere between 12 and 30 depending on who your insurance provider is, and specialist cycle insurers, such as Cycleguard can charge anywhere up to 50. Premiums will also vary dependent of age and the home address of the owner.

Hadassah is an author of several articles pertaining to Bike Insurance. He is known for his expertise on the subject and on other Business and Finance related articles.